The Nazi Wonder Drug

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Eren woke, surprised to feel so warm. Then he realized there was a body beside him. As his eyes struggled to open, he saw a gray-blue gaze.

Levi? Why was he in his bed? And naked? For that matter, why was his bed suddenly so soft? A dream? If this was a dream...

Without a word, Eren leaned in and gave Levi a kiss. He had dreamed this fantasy before, waking up in a bed he shared with Levi, gentle morning kisses leading to passion. This dream was one of his favorites.

"Oy. What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Eren jolted. That was not how the dream went. "Levi?"

His eyes narrowed. "Who did you think you were kissing?"

Eren blinked out the sleep. "I thought ... I was dreaming."

He looked again. Levi did not look angry about the kiss, nor did he look happy. His face was impossible to read.

"Well, you're awake," he said.

Eren looked aside, feeling humiliated. "Sorry."

Levi stared at him. What was that dream he was having? Was it about him, or someone else? Why was he even worried about that?

And why had that kiss felt so wonderful?

Levi suddenly shifted up and slammed his hand down on the other side of Eren, caging him in as he hovered above. Eren looked up and gulped as his heart raced with wild desires. This was part of his dream too, only usually Levi spoke sensual words and kissed him.

"L-Levi! What ... are you doing?"

Levi's gaze remained neutral. With his bed-head hair resting on the pillows, Eren looked so vulnerable, so nervous, and so immensely eager.

"Why did you kiss me?" he asked in a quiet, almost threatening voice.

Eren panicked. "I'm sorry. I ... I thought..."

"That I was someone else?"

"No!" he shouted, hurt that Levi would think that. Eren slammed his mouth shut, realizing that protest had been far too loud. "I thought ... that it was you, but a dream."

"What sort of dream?"

Eren slowly smiled, barely able to meet Levi's eyes. "A dream where you're in my bed."

"What else?"

"And we ... we kiss."

Levi glanced at Eren's lips before returning his sharp gaze back up to those huge, teal eyes. "What else?" he whispered.

Eren knew his cheeks were crimson. "We just kiss. A lot." He laughed awkward. "A whole lot. All over."

"All over?" Levi repeated. "Everywhere?"

Eren could not speak as his throat clenched up with humiliation.

Levi inspected Eren's face, from the flushed cheeks to the trembling lips, to the way his throat seemed to be stuck mid-swallow. "Have you had this naughty little dream often?"

Eren felt a thrill through his spine at those sensually insulting words. "Many times," he confessed, thinking how this little interrogation was better than his dreams, far more thrilling.

Levi saw Eren's tongue darted out for a quick lick to his lips. Was he hoping for a kiss? Such a needy little boy! He had to admit, the warmth radiating through the blankets, the compassion when his world had been cruel for so long, the sense of security when he had seen how obedience and hard work could not save a person's life ... he wanted this feeling, needed it, a craving for something, anything, when everything had been stolen from him: his dreams, his love, his dignity. He wanted more of this warmth, this magical depth he was slipping into.

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