Aiden's First Full Moon

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(Lockwood Mansion) Aiden's POV

I'm going to meet Carmen at the grill for lunch. Tonight is the full moon. I'm glad Caroline is helping Tyler, like Carmen is helping me. I enter the lobby with mum and we see Tyler about to leave. "Heading out?" mum asks him.

"Yeah...lunch at the Grill, I've got practice and I'll probably go out after. I'll be late" Tyler tells her.

"Same here, I'm going on a date with Carmen tonight" I tell them smiling.

"Aw my little boy is growing up so fast" mum says smiling. Someone knocks on the door. Tyler opens it. It's the woman.

"Hi" she says with a smile as I go over to Tyler.

"Hi" Tyler and I say together.

"Sorry. Rude. You have no idea who I am. I'm Jules, a friend of Mason's from Florida. You must be Tyler and Aiden" she says.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you" Tyler says.

"So, I know it's weird for me to just stop by but I'm trying to track down Mason" Jules tells us.

"Mason's back in Florida" mum tells her.

"He's been there for sometime now" I add.

"See...that's the thing...he's not" Jules tells us. I frown in confusion. If he's not in Florida, where is he? Tyler and I leave mum to talk to Jules.

(Mystic Grill) Carmen's POV

Aiden arrives and I smile. He comes over. "Something wrong?" I ask him when I notice his confused frustrated expression.

"My uncle is missing" he tells me. "Some girl from Florida rocked up on our doorstep looking for him. She hasn't seen him since he left to come here" he explains.

"That's strange" I say.

"Do you think your brothers did something to him?" he asks me.

"Stefan no, Damon maybe. I'll talk to him tonight while you are in the cellar" I tell him.

"Thank you, he may not be my favourite person after what happened. But he is family" he tells me.

"Family is important" I say. "So a drink or pool?" I ask him.

"Drink" he says and we go to the bar. "Matt, two cokes please" he orders. Matt nods his head and goes to get us our drinks. He soon returns and I pay for the drinks. "That's her" Aiden says pointing to the woman approaching the pair.

"What did you say her name was?" I ask him curious.

"Jules" he says.

"Never heard of her, so pool?" I ask him. He agrees and we go to the free table. I go to break and he places his hands on my waist. I giggle. "I can't concentrate with your hands on my waist" I tell him.

"Maybe that's my goal" he says and kisses me neck. He pulls away. "Sorry, guess it's the moon" he mumbles blushing.

"It's fine, we can do that later in private" I tell him.

"Sounds good to me" he says and kisses me gently. We get back to the game. Flirting and teasing the whole time. But we soon had to leave as the sun begins to set. We go back to my house and we're alone. I lead him to the cellar. He strips down to his boxers and I help him chain himself up.

"I got the wolfsbane, you sure you want to drink it?" I ask him as I show him the bottle of water with wolfsbane inside.

"It'll diminish my strength so I can't break free and hurt you" he states taking the bottle. "What time is it?" he asks me.

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