Unlocking Memories (Katerina)

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Carmen's POV

Stefan wakes me up and tells me to come downstairs. I do so and see Rose. I glare at her. "My ring, now" I demand and she tosses it to me. I put it on and sigh. Just then Damon enters the room with Elena. We go to the living room and I lounge on one couch as Elena sits on the other.

"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real" Rose tells us. Klaus, I remember him from my journals. He's the one who taught me to draw people.

"Who is he?" Elena asks confused.

"He's one of the originals, he's a legend" Damon tells her.

"From the first generation of vampires" Stefan adds.

"Like Elijah?" Elena asks.

"No. Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal" Rose explains.

"He's known to be the strongest" I tell Elena.

"And oldest" Stefan adds. That's wrong, Elijah is the oldest living original. That's not daggered.

"Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena asks us. Rose said 'yes' as Stefan says 'no'.

"What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true" Damon starts to explain.

"Which it is" Rose tells him.

"And you're not saying it so I don't kill you for taking my little sister's ring" Damon adds.

"Which I'm not and I gave it back" she tells him.

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe" Damon tells Elena.

"Well I'm bored and am going to go see my boyfriend. See you at school" I tell Elena and Stefan. Then leave the house. As I was walking to Aiden's I am grabbed by Elijah and taken to an apartment. Where a warlock invites me in. "What's this about? I'm late for school" I tell Elijah.

"How do you know me? If you forgot" he asks me.

"Well whoever made me forget, obviously didn't know about my journals or drawings. I may not remember you, but my journal does" I tell him. I take it out of my bag and show him the drawing of him.

 I take it out of my bag and show him the drawing of him

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"Niklaus taught you well" he states as he looks at it. "It must of been Mikael that compelled you" he adds as he hands me back the drawing.

"The man hunting Klaus?" I ask as I put it back into my bag.

"Yes, but he won't be able to return you memories" he tells me. He looks at the warlock.

"It'd be painful, but it is doable" the warlock states. He steps in front of me. "I'm Jonas Martin, I can help you remember if you wish. But it'll be painful" he tells me.

"I want to remember" I tell him.

"You may have to hold her down Elijah" Jonas tells him. I sit down on the couch and Jonas begins to chant. My head explodes in pain and I grab it as I scream.

"Carmen" Elijah says concerned and pulls me into his arms. He rocks me gently as he hums. Jonas continues to chant.

(An hour later)

My head clears and I remember everything from New Orleans. I look up at Elijah and hug him tightly. "Papa Elijah" I whimper.

"Hush my little one, I'm here and won't leave you again" he says as he strokes my hair. "Thank you Jonas" he adds.

"Yes thank you" I tell the warlock. I look at the time and gasp. "I'm so late for school, Aiden will be worried" I state as I stand up.

"Who's Aiden?" Elijah asks me.

"My boyfriend" I say and leave. I run to school. I find Aiden on the oval as it's out free period. "I'm so sorry, had a family emergency" I tell him.

"How did you get your ring back?" he asks me.

"Rose is in town and returned it to me" I tell him.

"Then I guess you don't need this" he says showing me a necklace.

"Then I guess you don't need this" he says showing me a necklace

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"It's gorgeous" I tell him smiling.

"I thought it could be a daylight necklace" he tells me.

"I love it, will you put it on?" I ask and he nods his head. I turn around lifting my hair. He puts it around my neck and I let my hair down. I turn and kiss him gently. "Thank you, if I ever loss my ring. I'll get Bonnie to spell it" I tell him. He smiles and hugs me. We hang out until our next lesson and go to class.

(Mystic Grill)

Aiden and I are playing pool. "So have you still not told Tyler?" I ask him.

"Nope, he'll want to know how I triggered my curse and I just do not want to talk about our uncle" he tells me.

"Did you try calling him?" I ask him.

"Yes and so has Tyler, but no one answered. And no call back" he tells me as he pockets a ball. "But I think I'll be fine" he assures me. "Though I am surprised we haven't gotten a lecture yet" he adds changing the subject.

"Same, but I'm happy. My brother's are worried about protecting Elena. Once she's safe, then we'll get a lecture" I tell him.

"And you're ok with that?" he asks me.

"The old me would hate my brothers ignoring me for someone else. But I'm not that girl anymore. Besides I have you and Papa Elijah" I tell him smiling.

"Papa Elijah?" he asks me confused.

"My adoptive father, he's an original vampire. Impossible to kill" I tell him smiling.

"Wow" he says.

"Anyway, we've added bolts to the cellar and reinforced the door. You should not be able to get out" I tell him.

"Good, I don't want to hurt you or your brothers" he tells me. I notice Stefan leave the grill in a huff. I frown and look at Caroline. She mouths that 'it is ok' and I take my shot at pool. Aiden wins our game. We go to the falls.


Picture above of Elijah and on the external link of Jonas Martin.

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