New Deal

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Carmen's POV

It's been a week since Uncle Nik killed Mikael. Aiden is storing the vials in his fridge. He said he won't leave until he knows I'll be getting Papa Elijah back. Then he'd leave and turn. He said he wouldn't be back until he was sure that he isn't sired to Klaus. I'll miss him terribly. But when he comes back, we'll have forever together. Still no sign of Stefan or Aunt Rebekah.

Uncle Nik has had Tony, one of his hybrids tailing Elena. Having others search the town for Stefan. I wanted to help. But he told me to stay out of it. So I've been staying at Aiden's. Tyler has been spending a lot of time with Jeremy according to Aiden. I know Uncle Nik must be behind it. As Tyler and Jeremy were never close. But then again, neither were he and Caroline. And now they are dating.

"So what's no the agenda today?" I ask Aiden.

"Tyler invited me to hang out with him and Jeremy" he states. "What about you?" he asks.

"I might go to the grill, Damon messaged and said he'd be there. I haven't seen him since he tried to kill Uncle Nik. But I might be able to get some information out of him" I state.

"I thought Klaus wanted you to stay out of it?" he asks.

"It's been a week and his made no progress. Besides, even though I am currently mad at him and Stefan. They are my big brothers" I state.

"Ok, I hope you find something" he tells me.

"Aiden, I'm leaving!" Tyler calls from downstairs.

"Coming!" Aiden calls back. He then pecks me on the lips. "Have fun and I'll see you later" he tells me.

"Make sure Tyler doesn't kill Jeremy" I tell him. He chuckles and nods his head. Before leaving. I get changed before leaving. I head to the grill and see Damon with Elena. Before I can approach them, I see uncle Nik approach them with Tony. So I hung back to eavesdrop.

"You gonna do this in the Grill? In front of everyone? It's a little beneath you, don't you think?" Damon asks Uncle Nik.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I just came down to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate" Uncle Nik tells him. Then looks at Tony. "Get a round in, would you Tony?" he asks. H smiles, seeing that Elena is shocked. Guess she recognizes Tony.

"I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour" Damon states.

"My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out" Uncle Nik states.

"Cute blonde bombshell, psycho. Shouldn't be too hard to find" Damon tells him. "Speaking of sisters, where's Carmen?" he asks.

"Last I heard she was Aiden at his house" Uncle Nik states. "You know. Truth is I've grown to rather like your little town. Think I might fancy a home here. Oh I imagine you're wondering how does this is affect you. The answer is: not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves you can go on living your little lives however you choose. You have my word" he tells them.

"What more could you possibly want?" Elena asks him.

"Well for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan" Uncle Nik tells her.

"Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass" Damon tells him.

"Well you see that is a shame" Uncle Nik states. He throws a dart and gets a bulls-eye. "Your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine" he states.

"That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem" Elena tells him. Uncle Nik moves toward Elena. Damon steps in between them. Klaus smirks. I decide to join them.

"Well consider this him broadening the scope Elena" I tell her as I pick up a dart. I throw it and get  a bulls eye. "Hello Damon, seen Stefan?" I ask.

"No" he says.

"Well why don't you, Uncle Nik and I go home. And have drink?" I suggest.

"I think it's about time we had a drink, don't you?" Uncle Nik asks him.

"I'd say we're overdue" Damon states. "Go home and deal with your brother" he tells Elena. He leaves, Uncle Nik and I follow. Uncle Nik dismissed Tony. Once we arrived at the house Damon pours us all a drink. I don't usually drink, but what the hell. Papa Elijah s gone and I am still pissed at my brothers for bringing Mikael into our house.

"Cheers mate" Uncle Nik says.

"Down the hatch" Damon says. They both take a drink. While I sit on the couch sipping mine.

"You know, we've actually got a lot in common, you and I" Uncle Nik tells Damon.

"Really? Well, yeah. Maybe we can bond over our mutual love for my sister. Or maybe over our mutual loathing of my brother. Why are you so mad at him? He stole something?" Damon asks.

"My family, the Originals. I had them daggered, boxed-up awaiting the day when I saw fit to wake them. And he went in and pinched the bloody lot" Uncle Nik explains.

"Which means he has Papa Elijah" I add and scowl my drink.

"Of course he did. Such a buzzkill, my baby bro. Well, I'd love to find him. Just the trouble is, I sure as hell don't work for you" Damon tells Uncle Nik.

"Yet, you're fine with me hurting losing another father?" I ask him annoyed.

"You'll get over it" he states and I glare at him.

"You know, your drink stinks of vervain- so I can't compel you. There'd be no point in killing you because you're actually the one with the most hope of getting me what I need" Uncle Nik states. "And yet it would seem a demonstration is in order. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough when I told you to find Stefan. Well, it seems you people respond best to displays of violence. Why don't you take this as an example of my reach?" he asks.

He takes out his phone and calls someone. "There he is! So, that thing I told you to do. Why don't you go ahead and get on with it?" he tells the person. Before hanging up.

"Who was that Uncle Nik?" I ask curious.

"Nothing for you to worry about, I won't you to stay out of this remember" he reminds me.

"Papa Elijah is the best father I have ever had. And Stefan is my brother, even though I am pissed as him and Damon. I want to find him as much as you do" I state.

"I may not be able to compel you, but don't think I won't lock you up until this is over if you don't stay out of it" he tells me. "Damon make sure your baby sister stays out of this" he states before leaving.

"So how goes it with you and little Lockwood?" Damon asks.

"We're great" I tell him. His phone rings. "Go ahead and answer it" I say and leave the room. Deciding to have a bath. I hear Damon leave, but do nothing to stop him. If he and Uncle Nik want me to stay out of it. I'll investigate on my own.

(Time skip)

I got a text from Uncle Nik. He has aunt Rebekah. But will be keeping her daggered for the time being. He said he'd explain why next time we meet. I go back to Aiden's he tells me how Jeremy nearly died. Because Tyler got him off of vervain and Uncle Nik compelled him to stand in front of a speeding car. But his fine.

Aiden and I got ready for bed. We watched a movie snuggling on his bed. Eating snacks. Before calling it a night.


Picture above of Tony and Klaus.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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