Home Coming

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Carmen's POV

I woke up feeling great. Tonight is homecoming. Which means no brothers. I'll call Aiden and see if he's up for date night. Except my good mood goes out the window when I see who my brothers are with in the study. "What the fuck is that monster doing here?!" I demand.

"I remember you" Mikael states.

"Stay the fuck away away from me" I snap. "Better yet, get out of my house!" I yell.

"Carmen chill, he's here to help" Stefan tells me.

"He can't be trusted" I tell him. "He ruined my life Stefan and I will not have him do it again" I state.

"You remember" Mikael states.

"Yeah and it hurt like a bitch" I sneer. "I can't stay here, I'm not going to be in the same house as this monster" I state and run. I go to the falls and starts to pace. What do I do? Mikael will kill Uncle Nik and every vampire in this town. Along with Aiden. I put my hand in my pocket and curse when I discover no phone. I run to Aiden's.

Aiden's POV

I was chilling in my room thinking about Carmen. Maybe she and I could go out tonight while the others have their home coming. Or we could stay here and have a movie night. "Hello little Lockwood" a voice says. I sit up and see Klaus.

"Klaus" I say surprised and get up.

"You appeared deep in thought, was it Carmen you were thinking about?" he asks me.

"Yes, I was thinking she and I could have a date night tonight while everyone else is at home coming" I tell him.

"Do you love her?" he asks me.

"Of course, I'd die for Carmen. Hell I killed for her" I tell him.

"You did" he says nodding his head. "I have a little gift for you both" he states. I look at him confused. He placed two vials of red liquid on my nightstand. "Mine and Elena's blood, so that you can turn and be with her forever. The choice is both of yours" he tells me and left. I look at the vials and bite my lip. What will Carmen think of this?

Carmen's POV

I arrived and found Aiden in his room. I tackle him onto the bed and hug him tightly. "Ow, I need to breath Carmen" he tells me. I loosen my grip as I start to cry. "Hey what's wrong?" he asks me concerned.

"They brought that monster here" I tell him with a sniffle.

"Monster? Wait, Mikael?" he asks me and I nod my head. "Why?" he asks me.

"No doubt to kill Uncle Nik" I state. "I'm so scared of him Aiden" I tell him.

"Hey, I won't let him anywhere near you" he states. "Tell you what, you stay here tonight and we have a movie night" he tells me.

"I like the sound of that" I tell him. "Can we just cuddle for now though?" I ask. He nods his head and I lay my head on his chest. I notice two vials on his desk and frown. "What are those?" I ask him curious.

"A gift from Klaus" he states. I frown in confusion. "He's back in town and he gave them to me. Saying is was our decision whether I take them or not" he tells me.

"You mean become a hybrid sired to him?" I ask.

"I've been thinking about that, what if the reason the others are sired is because they feel gratitude at not having to go through the pain of transforming anymore?" he asks me.

"That makes sense" I state.

"They the only why to break it, would be to turn over and over until you feel no more pain" he states.

"But that could be a hundred times" I tell him.

"It'd be worth it to be with you forever" he tells me. I swoon and kiss him. "I love you Carmen" he states.

"I love you" I tell him. Just then Tyler appears. "You're interrupting couple time, what if we were indecent?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes.

"Gym was flooded, home coming will be taking place here" he tells us.

"But we were going to have movie night" Aiden tells him.

"You can have your movie night, home coming will be downstairs and out the back. There'll be a band though, so it'll me loud" Tyler states.

"Dinner and a movie?" I ask Aiden.

"Love the sound of that" he says with a smile. "I'll get a reservation at your fav restaurant" he tells me.

"And I see what movies are out" I state.

"Have fun" Tyler tells us and left. Aiden and I prepare things. We then decide to go to the mall to get new outfits for tonight. Just because we weren't going to home coming, doesn't mean we can't wear something nice.

(Time skip)

"Tonight was amazing, exactly what I needed" I tell Aiden as we walked back to his house.

"I'm glad you're happy" he states. "You know we didn't talk about Klaus' gift" he adds.

"Aiden, I don't want you to die. I mean yes, you'll come back and be a hybrid. But then you'll have to go through all that pain. And I don't think I could handle seeing you go through that" I tell him.

"What if you didn't?" he asks me. "I could leave town for a few weeks. Turn and break the sire bond. And come back" he states.

"You'd really do that for me?" I ask him surprised.

"Of course, I love you" he tells me. Just then Klaus appears.

"Uncle Nik" I say confused.

"Thought you should know, Mikael is dead" he tells me.

"What?" I ask him shocked.

"I killed him with his own weapon, you never have to fear him again" he tells me. I vamp over and hug him tightly.

"Thank you" I cry.

"You're free now of the monster that haunts you" he says as he strokes my hair. "I'm going to go wake my siblings, would you like to come wake Elijah?" he asks me.

"Really?" I ask excited. He nods his head. I look at Aiden.

"Go ahead, I'm gonna head home. See if Tyler needs help with clean up" he tells me. He kisses my forehead and left. Uncle Nik takes me to the warehouse where he has his family. As he called Aunt Rebekah.

"Rebekah, where are you? Pick up the phone, darling. Daddy is dead. It's time for a family reunion" he says leaving a voicemail. He hang up and got another call. He answers it as I skipped over to the trucks back door. Behind which is Papa Elijah and the other two. "Stefan! Miss me already?" he asks.

I listen in. "I'm just calling to thank you for my freedom" Stefan states.

"Oh, I like to believe I'm a man of my word, more or less" Klaus tells him.

"Thing is, it came at too high of a price. You took everything from me, Klaus" Stefan tells him. I roll my eyes. I ignore them as I headed over to the doors. I open them and gasp in shock. The truck was empty. Tears fill my eyes, where's Papa Elijah.

"No" I hear Klaus say behind me.

"What's the matter, Klaus? Missing something?" I hear Stefan. I growl and glare at the phone.

"What are you doing?" Klaus demands.

"Just enjoying my freedom" Stefan tells him.

"I will kill you and everyone you've ever met" Klaus sneers.

"You do that, and you will never see your family again. I wonder Klaus, as someone who has been one step ahead for a thousand years...are you prepared for this?" Stefan asks. Before hanging up.

"Uncle Nik" I sniffle. He gives me a hug.

"We'll get them back, I swear" he tells me. I cry into his chest. I thought with Mikael gone, that things would get better. But Stefan just had to steal Klaus' family, my second family. How could he do this to me?


Picture above of Aiden and Carmen.

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