Maquerade Ball and Kidnapped

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Carmen's POV

I was heading downstairs and I arrive to see Damon giving Caroline a glass of blood. "What happened?" I ask as Stefan joins us.

"Go ahead, tell them. You're gonna love this" Damon tells us.

"I saw Katherine today" she tells us. She explains how Katherine wants the moonstone. How she'll rip this town apart if she doesn't get it tonight at the ball.

"Great, now I have to tell Aiden that I can't dance with him tonight" I grumble.

"We can handle it" Stefan tells me.

"Every time I leave you guys to handle it. Someone dies or I get dragged into it anyway" I tell him. "We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her" I state.

"Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline asks us.

"No, Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight" Damon states.

"No, you're not" I tell him.

"Don't give me that goody-goody crap" Damon whines.

"Your not gonna kill her, because I am" Stefan tells him.

"No, I am. She's ruined my life long enough and has done more harm to me. Then she has the both of you combined. I'll kill her tonight, then it's over and we continue on with our lives" I tell them.

"What happened to the innocent you?" Damon asks me shocked.

"She grew up, now I have to go get my dress for tonight. Call Bonnie, Alaric and Jeremy. I'll be back soon" I tell them and leave. I send Aiden a text to wear a blue mask and collected my dress. I returned home to see Stefan telling Bonnie the plan. "You in Bonnie?" I ask her.

"As long as no one else gets hurt" she states. "I could do a spell to trap her, like the tomb spell." she adds. 

"Right. We can isolate her, away from the others" Stefan says smiling.

"Good, lets do that then" I tell them. We join Alaric and the others going over the plan. Alaric handing my brothers and I our weapons. Agreeing to stay at Elena's and keep her away from the masquerade ball.

(Masquerade Ball)

"Do you really have to leave early?" Aiden asks as we dance.

"Yes, vampire business" I tell him.

"Need help?" he asks me smiling.

"No, I don't want you involved. My brothers don't know what you are and I want it to stay that way. At least until after tonight" I state.

"Fine, but have lunch with me tomorrow?" he tells me. I nod my head and kiss him. I left him and go to the prepared room. I hide with in the cupboard while my brothers hide somewhere else inside the room. Soon Caroline brings Katherine up and she enters the room becoming trapped with us. Caroline leaves as Stefan and Damon step into Katherine's view.

"You both don't really think that you can kill me with that now, do you?" Katherine asks them.

"No" Stefan says.

"But she can" Damon adds and I shot Katherine in the back with the stake gun.

"Time for pay back Katherine" I sneer as I toss the weapon aside grabbing a stake. Stefan rushes over to Katherine and drives the stake through her arm. She throws him into Damon and I charge her. She grabs my neck tossing me into the invisible barrier.

She tries to stake me but Damon and Stefan grab her from behind. They fall on the floor with her and pin her down. So she can't move. I rush over and was about to kill her when Jeremy arrives. "Stop! You're hurting Elena! Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena!" he shouts. I grumble in annoyance and back away as my brothers release Katherine.

"You think you two are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong and something tells me that my witch is better than your witch" Katherine taunts us. Stefan tells Jeremy to go check on Elena. Katherine takes the stake from my hand and starts to cut her own. But Stefan smacks it from her hand.

Katherine takes an other stake and is about to drive it through her stomach. "Wait!" Damon and I shout. Katherine sits down on the couch with a smirk.

"Lovely to see you again Carmen, I must say I'm liking the new you" Katherine says.

"I don't care what you like, you ruined my life" I tell her.

"Really? Because the way I see it, if I didn't give you my blood. You would of died in 1864" she states. "So, how about that moonstone?" she asks us. "The four of us together just like old times. The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough. And the jealous little sister, who didn't want to share her brothers" she states.

"Oh I wasn't jealous, I hated you for pitting my brothers against one another. They had a great bond until you came along" I sneer.

"I only made them see the flaws in their relationship" she states and I go stake her. But my brothers hold me back.

"Carmen, no" Stefan tells him.

"Yes Carmen please" Katherine says smirking.

"The second the spell is lifted, I'm gonna drive a stake right through your heart" I snap. Just then a woman arrived. Must be her witch.

"Katherine, the spell on this room has been broken, you're free to leave" she tells her.

"Thank god" Katherine says getting off of the couch. The witch shows her the moonstone.

"When I hand this over my debt to you is over?" the witch asks her.

"Done" Katherine says.

"I owe you nothing" the witch says still not handing the moonstone over.

"I said done, give it" Katherine demands.

"I wouldn't do that" Damon tells the witch. But the witch gives her the moonstone. When Katherine touches it, she can't breathe.

"You should have told me another witch was involved. She's a Bennett witch, Katherine, but I'm sure you knew that" the witch says.

"Wait, Elena" Stefan says alarmed.

"She's fine, they are no longer linked" the witch states before leaving. Damon then takes the unconscious Katherine and leaves. Stefan goes to check on Elena. I return to Aiden for one last dance. I then head for the parking lot and see Elena heading for her car.

"Hey Elena, think you can give me a lift home?" I ask her.

"Sure" she tells me and he phone rings. She answers it and begins to talk to her brother. "Yeah Jeremy, I've got my car. Tell Bonnie that whatever she did, I'm starting to feel better. Yeah, you can drive her home, I'm driving Carmen home. Then going home myself to go straight to bed. Okay" she tells him. She hangs up and I feel someone snap my neck. The last thing I see is someone covering Elena's mouth to stop her from screaming. My world goes dark.


Picture above of Carmen's outfit and on the external link of Lucy Bennett.

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