pretty lil face - gyujun

Start from the beginning

Junhui might've taken Jihoon's comment to heart. Maybe he should date someone, in secret of course. Until he and the other person wants to reveal it. It's hard to date if you're a pretty well known actor in the K-Drama community.

He got up, slipping the mask on his face as he left the fast food place after eating the rest of the fries. Junhui cleaned the tray and placed it on the to-wash area. He left as he saw a few fans stalking him from right ouside of the restaurant. It was scary of course, but it came with fame. That's what he assumes as he walks to his car and his driver drives him off.

They can't seem to lose the stalkers as Junhui watches from the window. He felt bad for the driver, "Let me off here, so sorry for the stalkers." Junhui spoke as the driver looked like he was about to speak and Junhui shook his head. "I can run, I'm not in a high school baseball K-Drama for no reason," He winks as he opens the door.

He sneaked to the tiny alleyway, watching his stalker fans run after the car as he sighed. Junhui always felt ashamed of the stalkers, he felt guilty, not like he could do anything.. Junhui peeked his head out of the alleyway, coast is clear. He tip-toed out of the place while his head was turned the other way.

Smash! He'd bumped into somebody, or that's what he assumes, as he fell on the floor, his very expensive coat scratched against the concrete.

"Oww.." He groaned as a voice piped up, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Junhui thought it was a fan until he opened his eyes and looked up at the voice. It was a god, it has to be, it was a very drop-dead gorgeous guy who was standing above him. This could've been a K-Drama in itself if Junhui was honest.

Once Junhui took the other's hand, the guy seemed to be a bit taller than him (rare), and his eyes were examining Junhui's coat. "God, that's so expensive, I'll help pay." Junhui's jaw dropped, this coat was over a hundred thousand dollars. He can't make a random pedestrian go poor because he flew on the floor.

"Oh no, it's okay I'll just have it fixed later with my staff." Junhui mumbled as the person shook his head.

"I'll pay, it'll make me feel bad if such an expensive coat gets ruined because I'm so clumsy." The adorable guy pouted as he had a hand out to Junhui. Junhui shook it, "Kim Mingyu, that's my name." He gave a smile to Junhui that could compete with himself.

"Moon Junhwi, that's my name." He mimicked Mingyu and winked. The other giving a shy giggle (which Junhui felt his heart pitter patter with). 

"Let me treat you, I'll work on your suit while you can raid my fridge." Mingyu offered and Junhui's eyebrows furrowed. No way someone was literally letting him, a complete stranger, go and raid their fridge. Or even let him into their house for the matter of fact!

"Sure I guess." Mingyu gave a small smile at the response as he replied to Junhui, "I have two really grumpy roommates, so I'm sorry if you encounter them" Mingyu held Junhui's hand and led him out of the small alleyway the two, tall men were in.


No way Mingyu wasn't rich, he lived in a very fancy condo with glass windows that were the size of walls.

Mingyu had let Junhui into his humble abode as he went behind Junhui. Junhui got shivers when Mingyu started to help take off his coat. Why is the tension so, high? He felt his body sweating while Mingyu inhaled and exhaled, the air flowing onto his nape.

Mingyu appeared in front of him once again as he gave that heart-stopping smile. "You can go raid my fridge now." The giant disappeared into one of the rooms while Junhui was sat in the kitchen, his hands sweating.

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