"Bonjour, que puis je vous offrir ce soir?"(Hello, what can I offer you tonight?) The waiter asks us.

"I'll have the couscous salad and the caviar dish," Ace lulls, looking up to meet my eyes. "Saffron risotto," I mumble to the waiter. Elijah orders some strange French thing I had never heard of before and Ace gets a bottle of expensive-sounding champagne. 

The waiter takes off and leaves us all sitting in an awkward silence. Here I am, having dinner with two of my least favorite people. Ace leans back into his chair, smirk still on his face. "So you want my forgiveness?" He asks slowly, raising an eyebrow. I almost choke on my laughter. "I'm sorry, your forgiveness? No, see I just want my freedom," I state in amusement. Ace's smirk remained intact. "But there lies the problem, people who have done me wrong die. They don't get freedom. Which is why we have a problem."

I scoff and rub my temples. Now would be a brilliant time to think up an escape plan. "Done you wrong? Bitch, you hunted me down, threatened my loved ones and then tortured me for months. We are even-Stevens. I mean, seriously dude, you need a psychologist or something cos you have some serious issues," I finish with a laugh. Elijah sat quietly with his eyes on the table, but I could see his lips turn up in a smile at my words. 

"You blew up my warehouse, killed my men, destroyed my drugs, snitched on me to the police and then continued to wound everyone of my men that you saw. Not to mention shooting Elijah here and being a down-right pain in the ass the whole time you were with us." I smile at the memory of me shooting Elijah. The fucker deserved it. 

"A pain in the ass, huh? Well maybe if you didn't hold me hostage, torture me and assign your men to fucking rape me, then I wouldn't have been such a hassle," I spit at him in disgust. Elijah's jaw tenses and Ace rolls his eyes. 

"Touché. Lucky for you that the lockdown alarm went off before they could have too much fun. How did you escape, anyway?" He is such a disgrace of a man, I really despise him. 

"Shattered my thumb with a gun to get out of the cuffs and then went through the forest behind the building," I explain coldly, glancing around the room at all the different people and couples. To my surprise, a few were staring straight at me, a rather large group of men at that. On one of their wrists was a familiar gang tattoo. They were members of the Unione corse, a large street gang based here in Marseille. The last time I checked, they were Ace's rivals. I purse my lips and glance back at the Ace and Elijah.

"You really are brilliant," Ace trails off, staring at me. I flick a strand of hair over my shoulder and wink. "Oh, I know."

It wasn't long before our food arrived. Elijah just sat there and picked at it. The men a few tables across from us were still watching us intensely. "Join us," Ace suddenly states. Both Elijah and I choke on our food. He was the first to speak. "What?" He demands, dropping his fork. Ace turns to him and chuckles. "Well wouldn't you rather be on her side then against her?" Ace murmurs to him, probably expecting me not to hear.

"You're joking, right?" I scoff, placing down my fork as well. He shrugs and grins. "Not at all, my darling. You see, you started it when you blew up my warehouse. You owe me. With us you won't have to worry about anything, you will be protected. You join my gang and we will call it even from there," Ace goes on.

Elijah open and closes his mouth a few times, looking for words, but settled for a simple sigh. I spot the men from a few tables over standing up as they begin to make their way over. 

My mind was whirling. I had two options; to join Ace's gang and stop having to run and fight him all the time, and warn them about who was creeping up over their shoulders, or I could stall for a few more seconds and escape while these guys cause a ruckus. 

I hate Ace. I am going for option two. I grab my champagne glass and down the contents as the men gain closer. The man that had gotten closest to us held a gun in his hand. Fuck it, am I right? 

"Suck my dick," I sneer, swiftly sliding off the bench just as the other men arrive. I snatch the bottle of champagne off the table and back up a few steps. A man places a hand on Ace's shoulder and subtly presses the gun into the back of his neck. Elijah was up within seconds, shooting two guys and then holding the gun to the other mans head. Well... That progressed fast. I send a snarky wink to Ace and grin the the men behind him before strolling away from the scene. People around me were screaming and crying and rushing around frantically. I quickly make my way towards the exit, pushing through distraught couples, checking over my shoulder ever few seconds to make sure I wasn't being followed.

I burst out the door, goosebumps rising on my skin from the brisk night air. I lightly jog down the sidewalk, away from the restaurant, making an effort to not trip over my own feet in these heels. 

This is it.


Once again.

. . .

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