Chapter 13

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My knees hit the ground with a thump. I had woken up in a car with a bag over my head. My hands were bound and my entire body was aching. It must have been because of the stuff they drugged me with. I wasn't sure how long I was unconscious for and I had no idea where we were. I could hear incoherent mumbling from around me. Elijah, that sick bastard. What went wrong? I suppose he just chose Ace over me and is inconveniently loyal to him and his gang.

A man pushes down on my shoulders, holding me in place and rips the bag off my head. It takes my eyes a minute to adjust to the brightness, but I soon regret even opening my eyes. None other than Ace stood a few meters in front of me. We were in a strange, loft-like room with barely any furniture, but many paintings on the walls. Behind Ace were large windows.

"Miss Munroe." His voice was even, and scarily calm as he spoke to me, stepping forward. I shake my head curtly, giving him a shrug. "Apologies, my darling, I do not know who that is. My name is Maria," I state, putting on a heavy French accent and a sweet smile. He smirks down at me and shakes his head in amusement. "Then how do you explain this, Maria?" He asks, pointing down to the faint scar on my thigh from where Elijah stabbed me. 

I suck in a breath and attempt to compose my thoughts. "I am a psychiatrist, we get aggressive patients at my hospital," I lie. I could tell he was trying not to laugh. He obviously knew who I was and didn't believe any of this psychiatrist bullshit for a second. 

It seems that all my years of pent up anger and pain has finally spilled over the edge and I wanted nothing more than to rip his head off. I turn up my nose at his smirk only grew at my situation. 

"Did you think you could hide forever?" He asks slowly, becoming uncomfortably close. I narrow my eyes. "I figure it was worth a shot if it meant never seeing your sorry ass again," I muse as calmly as possible, giving up my charade. 

There were guards planted all around the room and Elijah stood a few meters behind. "You," I spit in disgust, struggling against the men holding me back. He meets my eyes. "Hey asshole! Don't just stand there like you weren't my best friend," I yell over Ace's shoulder at him. 

Ace turns around to face him and gestures to me. He takes his time walking forward, stopping beside Ace and glaring down at me. "How's the family?" I sneer, regretting the words as soon as they left my mouth. I see pain flash through his eyes for a split second, before it was gone again and he punches me straight in the face. I deserved that, to be honest. I shouldn't have said what I did, regardless of whether or not he is a blatant asshole who I want to wither and die.

"How's your mother?" He spits back coldly. Touché I guess. "You little bastard. Still Ace's bitch, I see? I guess some things never change, right?" I mutter in response, spiting out a mouthful of blood onto Ace's shoes. Ace had to hold Elijah back to prevent him from hitting me again. 

He stays quiet and Ace speaks instead. "I have heard word that you have something that belongs to me," he states. I scoff and shuffle on my knees. "Like what, your sanity? Trust me Sweety, if I had it I would give it back to you for both our sakes." I notice a few guys around the room smirk ever so slightly. Well, that is surprisingly satisfying. 

"The gun."

"Which gun?"

"You know which gun."

"Well, I mean I have a Glock back in that stolen car outside the safe house, an ACR, a few casual handguns and possibly a Uzi if you look through enough of my shit back at my apartment," I trail off, seeing his dead-panned face. 

"Maybe you need a little convincing," Ace murmurs, gesturing to the guards. At first I thought hey were going to beat the crap out of me but instead, they made their way across the room to a door. No, no, no... What if they have James? Or Sarah or Ryan or one of the guys or the twins? I mean, Ace probably knows what they look like and all...

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