Chapter 7

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I snuggle further into the source of warmth behind me. Mmm, this is nice. Wait... What? All the events of last night come rushing back and my eyes widen. My eyes fall to the arm draped over my waist. Fucking Alex. I remember agreeing to let him stay with me last night and cringe. Man, what was I thinking? I gently grab his arm and make an attempt to lift it off me without waking him. I planned to grab my shit and sneak out of here without him noticing. 

I couldn't even lift his arm for fucks sake. He groans and tightens his grip, pulling me even closer to him. His other hand was tangled in my hair. 

"Good morning," he mumbles in my ear. Dang his morning voice was hot. I just groan in response, trying to pry myself away from him. His grip stays tight. "Alex," I whine. "Let me go," I grumble. He scoffs from behind me and grabs my wrist, spinning me around to face him. "No," he replies smugly. Fucking Bitch. His hair was messy and tousled and he still looked half asleep. Although he still somehow managed to look like a model. 

I try to push him away but as usual, he doesn't budge. "Stop! I wanna cuddle," he complains, grabbing my arms and holding them behind my back. I roll my eyes. "I don't care what you want," I reply. He glares down at me. His hand creeps to my stomach and he begins to tickle me. Fuck, fuck, fuck, no. I jerk and thrash but he pins me down and continues. I probably looked like a drowning rat or something right now. "No Please. Alex, stop!" I manage out as I laugh. He smirks down at me. "No, keep going. I love it when you beg," he states. This only makes me laugh even harder. He keeps tickling and I couldn't take it anymore. "Alex! I'm going to pee." As soon as the words left my mouth, he stopped, looking down at me with wide eyes. He scrambles off me and pushes himself back to his side of the bed. 

"Stupid Bitch," I groan, all but falling out of bed. I stumble across the room. I go to the bathroom and then chose my outfit for the day. I change into some white denim shorts and a tight fitting black tee. I grab some sneakers out of my suitcase and slip them on. All the while, Alex lay in bed watching me. I roll my eyes at him. "I'm leaving in two minutes. If your not ready then I'm leaving without you." With that being said, he scurries out of bed. 

I was busy packing the rest of my bag when Alex grabs my wrist. He holds a finger to his lips and gestures to the door. I hadn't even noticed that some was trying the door handle. A muffled guys voice comes from behind the door and then they begin picking the lock. Alex quickly snatches my stuff off the floor and drags me into the bathroom, gently shutting the door behind us. He pulls me into the bathtub and pulls the curtain across, hiding us. 

I hear the hotel door pop open and the guy speaks again. "It's empty." He sounded confused.

I glance up at Alex and at our proximity. He has pushed me up against the bathroom wall and was pushed against me. His hand was at my waist and the other was holding my shoulder against the wall. "But her car is outside," another guy remarks. 

 I bite my lip. Fuck, now I have to ditch my baby. "Check the bathroom," the guy says. Oh jeez. It is too early in the morning for this shit. "I have a plan. You're not going to like it. Just trust me," Alex whispers lowly in my ear. Of course I'm not going to like it.

Someone kicks the bathroom door open and Alex spins me around within a second. He grabs my suitcase and his bag and passes them to me. He pulls a gun out of his pocket and presses it to my temple, pulling me back against him. A man rips back the shower curtain and raised his gun at us. 

The guy looked like the rest, beefy, dressed in black and dosed up on steroids. He scowls at the sight of us. "Found 'em," he grumbles to the other guy. The other man rushes into the bathroom and mirrors the other guys expression. Alex chuckles. "You need this bitch alive." He presses the gun even harder into my head. The men back up as we awkwardly step out of the tub. Alex walks me out of the bathroom and towards the door. He opens the door and he tightens his grip around me. He shoots one of the guys straight in the head and aims at the second guy. "Alex, don't," I whisper. As much as I hate every single member of The Kings, they were just pawns in a bigger game. They all have to do what Ace says, it's not really their fault.

I feel him sigh. He puts the gun back to my head. "You can tell Ace that Alexander has the girl," Alex mutters before pulling me back and kicking the door shut behind me. Without another second, we take off down the hallway towards the parking lot. Alex chucks the key on the desk as we run out. We get to the parking lot and I look longingly towards my car. I quickly unlock it and rush to the backseat, grabbing my other bags before locking it again.

"C'mon." Alex drags me over to a black Mercedes. He takes the bags off me and throws them in the back before hopping in the drivers seat. I reluctantly get into the passenger seat and cross my arms. This is all so stupid. 

We drive out of the parking lot and he cranks up the music. I see his driving hasn't gotten any safer since I was last in a vehicle with him.

"Where are we going?" I ask slowly, glancing around. I wasn't entirely sure what we were doing. I mean, Alex apparently had some sort of plan to do with this pistol but he hadn't actually told me any of it. I mean, what are we supposed to do once we find it? Just rock up to Ace and be like 'hey dude, we have your gun. We will give it to you if you let us kill you'?  I mean, sure it is a good leverage and all, but how is it supposed to help me take over his gang?

"Cornas," Alex replies curtly, looking at me. I furrow my eyebrows. "Where is that?" I ask slowly. "Around fifteen minutes out of Valence," he explains. For fucks sake. Valence was like a five hour drive. I don't have faith that Alex wouldn't have killed us with his driving by then. "What's in Cornas?" Hopefully the gun. "An old friend that can hopefully help us," Alex replies.

I debated for a minute if finding this old friend was worth the five hour drive with Alex. I guess I would just have to tune him out the whole time.

This is going to be a long drive. 

 . . .

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