Chapter 12

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It was just about six o'clock when we arrived at the small, shed-like building. You see, Alex told me he was going to bring out his in-case-of-emergency-kidnap-kit, and I made the mistake of thinking he was fucking with me. I also thought he was joking when he told me he would need to 'rough me up a bit'. 

Alex leaned forward, a sick smile on his face. "You're my bitch," he states and before I could react, punches me straight across the face. My jaw drops as I feel blood begin to drip from my nose. "What the fuck?" I scream, clutching my nose as it ached. Man, he had a good right hook. I step forward and punch him straight back in the face. "Argh! Fucken hoe!" He yells, staggering back. 

"Hey, hey lovebirds! Stop with the domestic violence! Take that shit outside just like everyone else," Raphael exclaimed from across the room as blood began to spot on the floor at my feet. "But the blood will be good for the whole kidnap-vibe," Alex retorts smugly, smirking down at me in amusement. "Slut," I mutter, walking away from him.

Now, I sat strapped to a flimsy wooden chair with my wrists and ankles taped behind me, with a gag in my mouth and my shirt all ripped after Alex had tackled me to once again attempt to 'rough me up a bit'. Fucking bastard...

Raphael had called Ace an hour ago and had just left to go meet with him in the office. They had taken a video of me pretending to beg for my life, as degrading as it was, I wanted it too seem realistic so that Ace believed it.

Alex was hidden away in a weird, spy-van parked a few meters down the street. They had secret cameras hidden around the room and were monitoring me so that they could see without the risk of being caught. Raphael had fifteen guys positioned around the room, five standing in a circle around my chair and the rest at each corner of the room and a few by the doors.

I was starting to get bored. I had been sitting here for a while now and the room reeked of cat piss and mold. I had tried talking to the guards but they never responded so eventually I gave up.

Suddenly, gunshots sound outside of my shed. Fuck. Of fucking course. The men in my circle move and stand directly in front of me. The knife in my sleeve drops into my hand and I begin to cut the tape as quietly as I can without being noticed. If shit was about to go down, I wasn't going to be tied to a chair and defenseless. 

There were shouts and screams and a loud bang on the door, followed by another, and anther. I finally manage to free my hands and lean forward to work on my feet. I don't even care if one of the guys see me now, I will stab them if they try to stop me. 

Whoever was outside suddenly falls silent and the banging stops, along with the gunfire. I free my legs and rip the tape off, wincing. I glance at the door in angst, waiting. Everyone was dead silent, and it was freaking me the fuck out. Where the fuck is Alex? Who am I kidding, the little slut is probably outside killing people.

Suddenly, a large explosion blows half of the wall off, including the door. Smoke and debris flies everywhere, enabling me to see anything further than a few feet. All around me, there were shouts and a few more gun shots. Without wasting a second, I charge forward to where the door once was, knife raised. 

Amazingly, I manage to get to the front gate without being noticed. Although once I skipped past the crooked, white picket fence, a mans voice shouted, "there she is! There's the girl!" Without turning around, I bolt down the street. My eyes widen as I notice the van was gone. Where the fuck is Alex? I glance over my shoulder as the smoke begins to clear and notice the faint silhouettes of a good ten bodies lying dead on the grass. I couldn't help the thoughts that filled my mind. Was he one of them? Did he die trying to save me, warn me? No, surely not... Alex would save his own ass before even considering mine...

MayhemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora