"I-I don't know." I stuttered. Then I felt an extremely burning pain a little bit above my wrist. It felt like fire was going through my blood stream in that spot only. My arm dropped and I fell to the floor, the pain being excruciating.

"Oh my god Mack!" Ryder said and crouched down next to me.

"What-what's wro-wrong with m-me." I whispered, the pain becoming worse and worse. I screamed bloody murder because the pain got so bad. Then it all stopped. The pain was gone. I sat up and looked at my arm.

It had what looked like a tattoo of symbols of water, earth, fire and they were going in a straight line. They were small and just a plain black.

"What does this mean." I said examining my arm.

"I have no idea." Ryder answered.

"Try and do the water thing again." Piper said. I lifted my arm and moved my hand but instead of water I got air and moved it around with the flick of my wrist.

"Try with your finger." Piper said and I held out my pointer finger and fire started on the tips, I moved my finger and the fire shot.

"Oops," I said.

"Okay now try with the palm of your hand." Piper said and when I did i got earth.

"Now lift up your arm." Piper said and I did and got water.

"Okay Piper how the fucking hell did you know to do that?" I asked and put my arm down and the water dropped.

"She can control all four elements. You have a gift, and being able to control water, earth, fire and air is your gift. That's why you have that tattoo.

"Woah that so cool." I said and tried the water thing again.

"So there's a different part of my arms that control certain things." I asked and Piper nodded.

"How did you know that?" Jace asked.

"Because when I learned Mack was a werewolf I did research on that and I came across gifts." Piper answered and we all said oh.

"Well that's awesome." I said and smiled evilly at Ryder.

'You better watch out when I'm mad now' I said through the link. Ryder's facial expression turned scared and I laughed.

"Who wants to come with me while I test out my powers!" I cheered and Ryder turned to run, so I decided to use my new gift and made a wall of water appear in front of him.

"Uh uh your coming with me." I said and he groaned.

"So are you guys." I said motioning over towards the rest. They all groaned and I just laughed.

"Thanks u love you guys." I said and we walked outside.

First I tried out earth. I moved my palm up and a rock came up, then I moved my wrist down and the rock went down. I'll try out earth later I want to fire. I held out my fingers and they lit. Ryder put up a target and when I flicked my wrist fire shot out. I hit a bullseye. I clapped with joy but I started a fireball.

"Woah. I didn't know I could do this." I said looking at my hands holding the fire. I threw it at the target and it burned down. oh well onto water.

I lifted my hand to see if I could use it instead of my whole arm. I thought hard and thought of water being controlled through my hand and it came in front of me. In my hand was a little ball of water. I blew on it and saw it ripple. I blew on it again, but it turned to ice. the ball fell into my hand and I threw it at a tree and t shattered.

Then I tried something new. I took both my hands and thought about earth and moving the ground with my hands and I did. I made a little platform out of the ground of the forest. it raised up about 10 feet. Then I stepped forward to get off and another little one sprouted under my foot. I stepped the other one and then kept doing that and the rocks kept following. Then I tried two at once so I made a little tornado of air. I let the air float at my feet as it carried me to the ground.

I tried fire again threw my fists and ended up flying. The fire was powering me staying up and it wAs sooo fun.

"Wow, your a natural Mack." Piper said. I floated down to the ground to test one last thing. I imagined the water already as ice and made a wall of ice Around me. Awesome.

"I knew that would work." I Whispered inside the walls. I blew on it with fire breath and it melted away.

"This is so cool." I squealed and jumped into Ryder's arms.

"Make sure you control the fire, you don't want to accidentally burn Ryder or set the pack house on fire." Piper warned.

"Got it." I said and held onto Ryder's hand.

"Don't even think about it." he said looking down at me.

"Don't worry I wont." I smirked.

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