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Dear Keefe,

Today was the day. It was the day you were supposed to die. 
I've got good news, though, You didn't die. Elwin didn't quite find the cure for whatever you have, but he did find the reason why you were going to die, and fixed an elixir that would keep you alive for enough time to figure things out. It won't wake you up, but at least you'll be alive, which is what matters right now. 

You don't know how much I've cried. I think I'm out of tears. These last few days have been a roller coaster of emotions. First I thought you were gonna die, then I thought we had a lead but we didn't, so I thought you were gonna die again and blabbed (ignore what I wrote on my last letter by the way), but then you were saved.

 I'm so glad you were saved. I was so scared for you. Not only for you but for Tam too. He blames himself for everything that's been happening recently. I've told him it isn't his fault but he doesn't believe it. 

Please wake up. For him and...for me. 

I can't wait to see you, 


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