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Dear Keefe,

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Elwin told me to help you move your muscles out like physical therapy in case what he's giving you worked out. He doesn't want me to go too hard though. Just some basic stuff.

He has been giving you a dose of a special elixir he'd been crafting every day for one week now. It's been 5 months since you haven't woken up, and it's scary, so he's giving his elixir a try.

I'm trying to recreate whatever I did the other day that made your hand move—well, it was more like a reflex but still. I haven't had much luck but I will eventually, or at least I hope so. 

The Black Swan have been talking lately to know what to do with the whole Amy situation. They came to a conclusion. Mr. Forkle is going to try to infiltrate the Neverseen through Cosmo, and see what they're up to if he invites him. He'll say phrases like "This world is really flawed, I wish there was a way to solve its problems." Or just criticize the Council and see if that works.

I'm sure he could pull it off, he's been able to hide a secret twin and have several identities, how is this any different? The down side though, is that he won't be able to guide The Black Swan or anything since it's too risky. He'll keep everyone updated as soon as he can but it would be very difficult to be coming back to the head quarters every time he found something out.
I'll keep you updated on what happens. I'll cross your fingers for us.

I can't wait to see you,

Your Foster ❤️

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