So usually when he didn't have pills he would focus on something external to remind him of what was real. He would listen to music, if Dirk was there he would have Dirk hold him. Even before they dated. He was the first person he would call, he had an excuse to be in his arms. Dirk had an excuse to hold him. It worked for both of them. And Dirk could be there in a matter of seconds. Just like when they first met, Dirk would jump out his window onto the fire escape, climb down to Todd's window and crawl in. He did have the apartment directly above him after all. Todd actually didn't have to call most times, most times Dirk would hear a scream from beneath him and drop everything to go check on his secret love.

But he knew he had to focus on the attack, he had to give it strength, allow it to take over. He couldn't give up, he couldn't take the easy way out and ask for his pills or look up at Dirk. And focusing on it drew it out longer, but his body hadn't given in yet. He had to focus, allow the pain to grow, make it too much.

And after five minutes, five excruciating minutes, he finally slipped out of consciousness.

"Thank God." Dirk sighed. He kissed Todd's sweat-drenched forehead and let go of him only so he could get up and carry him onto their bed.

Todd's mind wandered at last. Whizzing through the cosmos until it settled back on the house. But this time it quickly switched to a glowing pool of water. His mind dove in and resurfaced in the throne-room cave in Wendimoore.

Todd woke up on something soft, something cool on his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes to see Dirk's worried expression dissolve into a relieved smile.

"You were out for a while with this one." Dirk planted a kiss on Todd's hand which was interlaced with his. His free hand blotting his face with a cold wet washcloth. "How do you feel, love?"

"Weak, shitty. Absolute shit." He said. "My mouth tastes like barf and it's not fun. That was a bad one. I think the worst one I've ever had."

"You were incredibly brave, darling. I'm so proud of you."

"I was boiling. Literally. My skin was melting and popping with blood and puss everywhere."

"Shit, no wonder you puked." He heard Tina say, but he couldn't see her, and he didn't want to move his head to try.

"What did you see?" Farah's voice added, "If you saw anything."

"Right, completely forgot about that part. Yeah, there's a portal to Wendimoore somewhere in Oneiroi." He said nonchalantly.

He heard a mix of "What the fuck?", "Dude, that's a massive bomb!", and a "Bloody hell!" from around him.

"You're joking right?" Tina asked.

"The box, it had a picture of Wendimoore in it. There was a portal to Wendimoore in the Cardena's house and it also had the pocket dimension, Oneiroi has one. Plus that creature was called 'Bibbit', maybe the name has a cultural significance to whatever Beast is?" Dirk said.

"Well, that would explain a lot," Farah said.

"I think we have to go back to the mansion," Dirk smiled. "And back to Wendimoore. I can't wait to see everyone again!"

"Alright!" Tina said excitedly.

"Wait, we're going to Wendimoore?!" Farah asked, shocked.

"Looks like it!" Dirk said. "You're going to love it! I think Farah and Litzibitz would be great friends don't you agree, Todd?"

"You know how last night you said you 'Don't want to do the think-y thing right now'?" Todd said.

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