Chapter 19 - Am I ready to move on?

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I arrive at school the next day in the worst mood possible. It all started when Molly stole my foundation and spilt it on my carpet. I started screaming at her and she got really angry. Then I dropped my toast and peanut butter on the floor and stained the floor. Then Molly drove off without me as payback for me shouting at her. I chased her all the way down the street and had to get someone in a car to stop her. When I got to school I was bright red and sweating. Thank god everyone is in lessons so I have a chance to cool down without being seen this sweaty.

“Sophie? Get to your lesson.” One of my teachers yells at me. I grab my bag then run to homeroom.

“Sophie, where were you then?” Miss Panero asks.

“I got in late Miss. Um... family issues.”

“I saw your sister. Doesn't she give you a lift?”

“Not today...” I say under my breath.

I slide into my seat and rest my head in my hands, listening to the anouncements. I look over at Hayes and see he is holding the ring box. I feel someone tap my shoulder and turn to see they are pointing at Tanner. He is mouthing something at me and I figure out he is asking me to meet him before the lesson starts. I bite my lip and sit back in my chair, trying to guess what he wants. Hayes coughs beside me and I turn to see him winking at me.

I leave the room once Miss has dismissed us and wait by the door for Tanner. He comes out and grabs me by my hands. He is just about to say something when suddenly the coach of the football team shouts his name.

“Michaelson, I need to talk to you about the upcoming game. Got it? Here now!” Tanner sighs and looks at me.

“Can this,” he motions to us, “wait till lunch?”

“Sure...” I sigh and watch as he saunters over to coach.

“WHAT DID HE SAY! WHAT DID HE SAY! WHAT DID HE SAY!” Alyssa yells at me as she runs over to me.

“He had to speak to the coach.”

“Aw man I wanted to hear some juicyyyy goss!” Kaitlyn says. Hayes comes out behind her with Megan in tow. I watch as he pulls out the box. She squeals and hugs him. He then slips the ring on her ring and everyone crowds round to admire it.

“Sophie!” Tanner calls me across the school yard. I wander over and he smiles.

“Let's walk.” We walk, arms touching, towards the football fields. The autumn air has already started to cool and, as I walk, I watch my breath spiral in swirls. We head on to the desolate football fields and perch on the bleachers.

“So... what did you wanna ask?” I say quietly.

“Wait first...” He leans in to me and we kiss. Nothing major, just a cutesy little peck. I pull my head back and brush the stray hairs out of my eyes. I watch him as his eyes dart around the field, obviously trying to focus his mind.

“Have you ever had a boyfriend before?” He asks suddenly. I debate whether or not to tell him about my first boyfriend in middle school. I hold my tongue when I remember him trying to get his tongue down my throat on the second 'date' at the bowling alley (along with nine of our other friends).

“No, I'm not really an expert in the whole dating and boyfriends thing yet.” I blush when I say this and hide in the hood of my sweater.

“Come here.” He lifts my chin so we are looking right into each others eyes. As he bites his lip, I pray that I don't have an unfortunate gas incident. I wonder what he must be thinking right now... I breath in and he kisses me again, this time harder, making my heart race. He cups his hands on my cheeks and wrap my arms round his waist. I gasp when he pulls away and turn away to blush again. He grips my handa and finally pops the question.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He smiles at me. Though I kinda knew it was coming I am still shocked. Thoughts swirl around my head, especially images of Hayes and Nash's face when he saw me kissing Tanner the other day. I take a breath.

“Yes of course I will.” I squeal and he hugs me tight. He lifts me up and spins me round and I can't help but think this was how Hayes was holding me at the start of the summer.

More Than Friends - A Hayes Grier fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon