Chapter 30 - Losing everything

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I arrive home from school and run to y room in tears. I have missed cheer practice and I know Coach will yell at me tomorrow but I cannot face my two "friends" after what has happened.

Crying, I throw myself on my bed and curl up under the blankets like I used to when I was little. I think about what has happened today, Kaitlyn and Alyssa turning away from me like I have a deadly disease, Noah and Kyle giving me dirty looks across the canteen and, worst of all, Hayes looking... disappointed is the only word that springs to mind. I inhale, my breathing ragged, when suddenly my phone begins to buzz. I grab it off my bedside table where I slammed it down and see Megan is trying to contact me.

"Megan?" I say confusedly when I manage to answer without sounding like I am crying.

"Sophie babe? Let's get something straight here. I don't know what you know or how you know but you honey are going to keep your little mouth shut or else."

"Or else what?" I say, catching her off guard. She obviously thought I would back down but no, I am ready for a fight now.

"You want to fight Sophie? Cos you are going to lose." She says then hangs up.

I frown at my mobile and fling it back on to my bed. Megan is so bad at threatening me but I am still taken aback. I feel like tomorrow will be even worse.


I hear a clink on my window. Heart beating, I run over to the window and look out to see... Tanner. I open the window and raise my brow at him.

"Tanner why are you here?"

"Sophie, come down so I can talk to you." He orders in a firm voice. I walk downstairs and outside so we can talk.

"Tanner..." But before I can finish he has grabbed my wrists and pulled me into him. I gasp and try to pull away but his muscles gained from football are too strong and I am stuck. His face is right in mine and I can feel his breath on my cheeks. I push against his weight and I finally manage to break away from him.

"What the hell Sophie?"

"Tanner I have told you a million times. Leave me alone. Go... go run to Megan." I say and I see I have hit hard. His face curls in disgust.

"You don't know what you are talking about."

"I think I am Tanner.  Saw everything at Megan's house. Now LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell at him and run inside the house.


I walk down the hallway of school the next day to see Megan's threat was real. Heads turn away from me or throw me looks across the hallway. I walk up to my locker and the two girls either side of me back away from in disgust. I throw my books in the locker then look around for someone to talk to. After a scan of the hall, I spot Alyssa absent-mindedly skipping down the hall, her ponytail flying and I catch her attention.

"Alyssa!" I say and she looks at me half blankly and half worriedly.

"Ummm..." She says and paces a couple of feet away from me.

"What is happening? Why won't anyone talk to me?" I ask her.

"Just... just check Facebook." She utters and turns away to walk to homeroom. Following her command I check my barely-usedFfacebook account and see Megan has tagged me in a post. I click on the status and read it.

Sophie is a lying, two-faced man stealer. Don't trust the bitch.


The post has over a hundred comments and even more likes. I read some and to my horror realise they are all my friends turning against me and Megan spreading even more rumours and lies about me. I turn my phone off quickly and put it in my locker as well. I slam the door shut and decide what to do. I head for homeroom and worry about what the day has in store for me.

I walk into the room and every head turns to me. I sit quickly in my seat and rest my head in my hands. I sit through fifteen awful minutes before the bell finally rings so I can escape. I run back into the hallway and ignore all the voices shouting nasty comments at me. All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice calling me.

"Look at her. What a mess." I hear Kaitlyn says and the rest of my old friendship group laughs when I spin round to face them. Kaitlyn's face is curled up in a nasty scowl, one I never would have thought would be for me, and she has her arms crossed defiantly over her chest. I take and breath and suddenly all my anger is unleashed. I lunge at her and soon we are cat-fighting. I rip at her blonde hair and she claws at my face. I yell threats and she throws insults back in my face.

Suddenly I hear a male voice screaming at us to stop and I am thrown off Kaitlyn. Noah is holding Kaitlyn who is fuming and I feel arms around me. I twist round to see Nash holding me by my arms. He smiles a tiny smile and I turn my head back round, ashamed. Principal Johns is yelling at Kaitlyn and I, who is blaming me while I stay quiet. After it is figured out that I started it all (I keep quiet) I am ushered to Mrs Johns' office and sat down in a seat. I am given a month of detentions then I get to spend the rest of the day in the student office so I can "work off my anger".

When the bell rings I walk out of the office in a rage. None of my work is making sense and my head is spinning. Where was Hayes? Did he have a part in this big plan? Would he have stood up for me? I grab my stuff from my locker and walk to meet Molly. As I walk out of the main doors the cheer coach walks up to me and announces to me, "the girls on the team have voted and... I sorry Sophie but you are off the team. You can't miss practises when you made a commitment so... I am very sorry." She walks off and I am left by myself. I walk down the steps to the car park when suddenly I see a flash of colour in the corner of my eye. My cheer uniform is hanging from a tree, cut into tattered strips.

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