Still love

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Again we had been flying like usual and also not like usual because Aang was pacing back and forth like a crazy person. I was genuinely worried about the kid. He went through it at the island but then again didn't we all?

Sokka and I were still dealing with pissy Katara and she is ,you know, being pissy. Zuko was probably somewhere thinking its someone else's fault and the animals were feeling the tension as well.

Aang was still pacing on Appa."Would you sit down? If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you anyway?" Sokka asked while flying Appa.

I couldn't even pay attention. I haven't been able to focus since what happened. Zuko put a piece back in me i had forgot about. The understanding part. The patience that I left behind. He my emotions on two legs.

I thought when he met Sokka it would be explosive. And even as the smartest person I know somehow I couldn't figure out why. Was it because they were both close to me at a young age? Or is it because somehow I still loved Zuko..

Wow. The girl who couldn't even love her parents, worrying about feelings. What if I am in love with Sokka? What if I'm not doing this just because I miss him. What if its Zuko? What if I loved him and not just because I wanted to the fire-lady like everyone else? What if there is someone else...

Whatever. Eyes forward and focus Y/N.

We landed by a waterfall and I got really excited. I've been needing to water bend. I jumped in the water in a worn out outfit and water bended myself up 6 feet in the air. I knew everyone was staring at me but it didn't matter. When I bend its just me and the water.

Aang and Katara were practicing or something like that. Sokka was cleaning Appa's feet. I swam over to him.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked stretching out the 'doin'. He saw me and his eyes lit up with surprise. He was smiling and the was a small shimmer in his eyes. Oh god.

"I was waiting on you to come over and entertain me." He said laughing. He had let his hair down and you didn't hear this from me but it looks so much better.

"Well I'm here" I said laying on my back in the water. He smiled and i almost melted. I know its sounds stupid or cliché but he makes me crazy.

"You mock me" He said envying me floating while he cleaned Appa. Suddenly a large wave of water moved us and i quickly got up. I watched the food and clothes we had wash down the river. I turned my head to wear i put my backpack with only pictures and my bear in.

Now we had no sleeping bags, clothes, or food. I looked at Sokka he looked like he was gonna burst. I gave him a reassuring look.

Katara also looked mad. What's new?

"That's enough practicing for today." She said rolling her eyes. Aang looked discouraged.

"Yeah, I'll say! You just "practiced" our supplies down the river." Sokka said with his veins popping out his head. Aang looked really let down this time. I walked over to him and grabbed a towel out my bag.

I put it across his shoulders and he grabbed both sides from the front. He looked at me and smiled. "Hes sorry and its not the end of the world. We have money and we can sell some of m stuff if we need to" I said to the siblings.

"Who would want a bag of nuts for a copper piece" Katara asked.

"Actually I have autographed pictures from one prince ponytail" I said 'matter-of-factly'.

Summer Nights (reader x zuko x sokka)Where stories live. Discover now