A way out

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I sat down under a tree reading the book the spirit had given to me about the moon spirit. Yue wouldnt have allowed me to be treated that way in the library.

Every night i try and talk to her hoping she can help me. I need to find my path and i had my path, Sokka had his path, Aang had his path with her.

Sokka was reading maps and Aang was mourning, Katara was peacefully bending in the water we found.

I was worried about Aang. I mean I was worried about all of us but Aang said wasnt himself.

I scooted over to him, "Aang do you wanna talk?" I asked. All I got was a shake of his head. I felt awful. I could be mean to everyone else and never think twice about it but Aang. He has a soft spot in my heart.

But I guess the day before had shaken him the wrong way. Plus everything with Appa was a bit much. "Aang" i tried to move my hand to him but he got up.

"Have we found our route yet?" He asked Sokka completely ignoring me.

"The only route connecting where we are to Ba Sing Se is a sliver of land called the serpents pass." He said.

"Is that the best way for sure?" Toph asked

"it's the only way, since we don't have Appa to fly us there" Sokka said and my skin stung at his words. Why was he being that insensitive about it?

"Shush up about Appa. Can't you at least try to be sensitive?" Katara whispered.

"Katara, it's okay. I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se and telling the Earth King about the solar eclipse." Aang said.

Solar Eclipse...


I get it now.

"Oh ... well, okay. I'm glad you're doing better" Katara said awkwardly.

"Then we go to Ba Sing Se, no distractions." He glanced over at me but you could tell it was accidentally because he immediately shot his head in the other direction.

As we walked we ran into three refugees, a woman who was to be a mother soon and two men who accompanied her.

They told us we shouldn't take the serpents pass.

"That's a deadly route" The woman said with much concern.

"Deadly route, great pick dumbass" Toph hit Sokka.

And then of course Katara corrected her language. What a mom huh?

"The walls of Ba Sing Se will keep us safe, that's what we need for the baby", the woman smiled. She spoke soft and you could tell they were an earth village family.

"You should come with us to Full Moon Bay. Ferries take refugees across the lake. It's the fastest way to Ba Sing Se." Her husband said.

"Great then that's the route we take." I nodded and we began walking.


Now what I say next is gonna surprise you, everything. As we walked to the ferry ticket station, everything was fine.

"You're really pretty" The woman told me and i smiled and whispered a thank you.

Toph had manipulated the desk lady to give us tickets because she's rich and blind or whatever. Everything was smooth. Going great.

That is until...

"OH MY GOD SOKKA??" A girl voice said and we all turned our heads.

A beautiful ginger was behind us and she gave him a big hug. My mind immediately hit fight or flight mode.

"Uh, do I happen to know you?" He asked. 

For her sake I hope not.

"Maybe you'll remember this" She grinned and kissed him on the cheek.

What the fuck.

I saw Katara glance over at me and I did the same to her.

There's this beautiful girl that approach's the guy i'm involved with and just kisses him? Tears built up in my eyes as the hugged.

My emotions took over and the rest I remember of that moment is me running. Running away, tearing up my ticket and hiding for hours, just crying.


I was such an asshole to him lately.

He deserved it though. So why did I care if this girl and him were a thing?

After two hours of crying I got up and tried to find anyone I knew.

No luck. They'd left me. I probably deserved it because of the way i've been treating them.

I just walked around and tried to blend in.

That's when I saw something that made my heart drop. My stomach hurt at the scene.

It was a familiar face but not team avatar, it was something the universe put in front of me as a test. A really hard test.

I began to walk up to them, slowly.

'Finally a way out' I thought.



A/N- This was a shorter chapter so sorry abt that! Thank you all for the support, don't forget to vote and don't be a silent reader!

Love you guys bunches!!!


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