A blur

250 7 13

2 Days Later.

Aang had left for the temple to open up some chakras or something, not sure.

"We're gonna go." Katara grabbed my arm and basically volunteered me.

"By yourselves, are you sure?" Toph asked.

"Yes." Katara said and pulled me aside.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Get changed, something's wrong, you know that. You're not stupid, you've caught on. I have a feeling that with this second visit to the Earth King, something's off." She hissed back.

"Katara what are you talking about?" I asked. She was scarring  me.

"He knows me it's gonna be okay." She wasn't making sense. Nothing was making sense.

I just turned away and changed out of the new clothes i had just gotten. Looking at Lu Tens bear.

"Happy birthday" I whispered.

I put on my purple dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and wiped the lingering tear on my cheek away.

I tied my middle wrap around my waist and looked. I was dressed like Katara, like a water tribe woman. The only thing off was the purple. I looked like my mother.

Katara grabbed my wrist and began to run.

"He's nice I promise and he shares our concerns, we just need to focus on making sure we can convince to make changes" She spoke as we jogged towards the palace.

We were in the upper ring, the palace wasn't far. It was beautiful too. It was no fire nation but it was gorgeous as well.

We got checked in just by saying we were the avatars friends and Katara rushed to the Earth kings throne room. The rooms were all golden and green. The same shade in every room.

Katara looked scared. I knew that I had taken Ba Sing Se as a break for me. While Katara and Aang had been working their asses off to win this war. They knew stuff i didn't. But i knew something they didn't.

Zuko was here.

"Greetings" A female voice said as we entered the throne room.

"Oh shit." I whispered.

There she was. Azula.

"WHERES SUKI" Katara yelled.

I had caught word that the kyoshi warriors were coming to the city and I was excited to see my girls again but I guess Azula had already had her way with them.

"Ah, Y/N, it's been a minute, last I heard you ditched these water people." She stood up from the throne and smiled at me.

"Y/N!!!" A squeaker familiar voice came up behind me and gave me a really tight hug.

Ty Lee.

Mai rolled her eyes at me.

Bitch i don't wanna fight with your non bending ass.

"Too bad we can't catch up, you'll be joining another traitor in the crystal cave so that you won't cause any trouble." She smiled.

"Azula, please.." I said. Me and Azula knew each other it was worth a try to make her feel emotion for once.

"You'll be fine, you know this traitor really well." She whispered that last part.


And before I could say anything else guards were taking us away. That's the thing about Azula, she can make anyone follow orders, for a 14 year old girl she is powerful. Her orders are barks and her lightning is dangerous.

Summer Nights (reader x zuko x sokka)Where stories live. Discover now