In another life.

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"Oh no." I said and started screaming.

I probably started the panic issue if i'm gonna be honest. Because then everyone started screaming. And running.And grabbing their children and running.

I was also grabbed and drug back into the place we were staying in.

"He was right." I said to myself.

"Who was?" Aang asked.

"Shut up i'm thinking." I replied.

I keep repeating Zuko's words in my head.
"Something is going to happen." He was right.I'm just thankful that he was nice enough to warn me.

"Hey guys wheres Sokka?" Katara asked.

And as if he could teleport Sokka walked through the door. He punched the wall behind him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.


"Your fault." I replied calmly.

I worked as a servant to a loud family for years. Then dealing with Zuko and I realized the way to get angry people to boost their mood is to not match their tone but to be passive aggressive.

"Whatever." He said.

See I told you.

"I'm going to volunteer to defend the tribe." Sokka threw in our faces.

"The hell is even going on out there?" Katara asked.

"We're under attack from the fire nation. There's a whole fleet on the watery boarder." Aang replied.

"And you're going out there?" I asked Sokka.

"I guess i am."

I jumped down from the bed and walked up to him.

I handed him my anklet and put it on his wrist. I looked up at him and he looked surprised.

I picked up his hand and kissed it then leaned up to his ear. "Good luck." I said the kissed his cheek.

He walked out the door and I smiled. I knew how he felt. The way that I felt when I almost ran away that day for Zuko. He was insecure.

Whatever. My feelings were hurt but so were his.

I walked out the door too to see what was happening and I heard Katara follow me.

"Pakku agreed to reach me because apparently him and gran gran are engaged." She smiled.

"That's good. I'm gonna go meet with the chief and ask him what we need to do." I said and ran towards the castle.

Once I got there tons of people were surrounding the chief and asking him questions. Poor guy looked exhausted.

"That's the girl from the avatars team." Someone whispered.

"Maybe his assistant?" Some one asked.

I could care less about their thoughtless comments because that meant the chiefs focus was on me and I could talk. And the spirits know I needed to talk.

"Chief, i'm representing the avatars team and he would like to know where we stand in this and how we could help." I made my way across the room to him.

"Tell the avatar that he should decide what to do. He is the bridge after all and should be able to tell." The man said. I nodded and made my way out the door. As soon as I shut the door I heard the chatter start up again.

I walked back and I told Aang what the chief said. "I think we need to talk to someone first." He replied.

"Oh alright." I said and put in my coat. Katara did the same and we followed Aang.

Summer Nights (reader x zuko x sokka)Where stories live. Discover now