Omashu pt.2

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So Aang somehow convinced us to ride the Omashu delivery system.This kid is good.

Itsounded like fun at first, but now that I'm here, I'm starting to have second-"She was cut off by the cart slipping making us sliding."THOUGHTS!"She screamed.

This isn't pretty.We were going so fast i thought i was going to be sick.I grabbed Katara who was in front of and she was screaming.Sokka behind me was also screaming.Aang was excited to be doing this.I happy for him but i was just trying not to swallow any bugs.

A cart evened with us.Which would have been fine if IT DIDNT HAVE SPEARS.It was behind us and I screamed for the first time on this thing.Sokka leaned down in order to not be impaled by the spears.Me and Katara did the same.

Aang turned and noticed.His eyes widened and he yelled " I'm on it!".But he was.....excited?Okay i'm officially over this.He titled the cart and we broke the rock barrier of the system.

He ran right into a troop of earth kingdom soldiers."Aang, do something! Use your airbending!"Katara yelled.I could tell she was scared.

"Yeah! Good idea! That'll make us go even faster!"Aang said even more excited.

"Good goin Katara now we're gonna die"I yelled.She turned back at me and mouthed out "sorry!".

I closed my eyes tight.I was relying on Sokka and Katara to break my fall if we crashed.So much was happening and i couldn't see.I feel bad for people who cant see.Hope I can someone blind one day.I have so many questions.

I felt us go sideways and hit something.Sokka grabbed me in fear.I did the same to Katara.Sokka was taking constant deep breaths.Katara was still screaming.I was holding my breath.Then we hit something and I knew exactly what it was after i heard "MY CABBAGES!"

This poor dude.

We hit the ground after that.I did a quick head count of everyone.Okay we had everyone plus a mad cabbage merchant with no cabbages.Sokka looked at me concerned.

"What!"I asked.

He put his hand to my cheek.He rubbed it and then i felt it.I got cut.He had blood on his finger."You got hurt"He said.

"No I got cut.Im fine."I said smiling confidently.He unwrapped his bandage thingys on his arms.He reached into my pocket and grabbed my knife."Thanks for asking."I said.

He shrugged while cutting a piece of the strip.He stuck it to my cheek.I kissed my two fingers and placed them on his forehead as a thank you.He smiled.

"Two cabbages"Aang saidly trying to calm the cabbage merchant.Soon we were taken to the castle in the middle of the city.Interesting place.Ive seen better palaces but alright.

"Your majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages."A guard said.I rolled my eyes and smirked.I turned to Sokka he was smiling a little bit too.

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