The swamp

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I woke up on the familiar leather of Appas saddle thingy. My head was on a sleeping bag and Sokka was wrapped around my stomach, his head on my chest. I looked around the rest of the surface. Katara was asleep and Aang was awake rebraiding her hair.

He usually woke up early and did her hair so she could relax when she woke up. She never really noticed but I did. And every-time she could wake up and not have to worry about her braids I noticed him smile.

He's precious. Sometimes I wonder why the universe gave him the duty of the avatar. He's just a simple kid with a big heart.

"Good morning" I whispered to him. He smiled at me. He didn't say anything back. He was too close to Katara and didn't want to wake her up.

I took the tie out of Sokkas hair and ran my fingers through it. Both of them have always been weird about their hair. My mother would always just brush mine or do a simple braid.

I braided Sokkas hair into a ponytail even though I loved it when it was down. It was so pretty.

Eventually he started moving and opened his eyes. He grabbed my hand and began playing with my fingers. Katara woke up aswell and didn't have to do her hair and Aang smiled.

The morning was foggy and cold. My favorite kind of mornings. Especially when you're a few hundred feet in the air. Not a lot of people experience that but it is nice.

I say morning but it was probably closer to mid day. This was a team avatar off day. We had no goal or purpose and we expected the rest of the day to be the same as it was now.

Momo crawled on to Sokka's back and curled into a ball. There were small whispers but for the most part it was calm.

"HOLY HELL IS THAT A TORNADO!?" Katara yelled. That was the first real sound any of us had heard all morning.

"Language" I groaned. I turned around and it, um, was a tornado.

"Holy hell." I heard Sokka whisper. He jumped up and look down just to see we could land because we were over some swamp.

"Okay so uh, remain calm i guess." Sokka screamed. Well lead by example there buddy.

"We have to land!" Katara said to Aang who was trying his best to keep us alive.

"We can't! It's too dangerous." He yelled back.

"You know what's also dangerous? GETTING KNOCKED OUT OF THE SKY BY A TORNADO." Sokka yelled.

"You upset?" I asked and he nodded with a pout on his face. I patted his back and then screamed as the tornado got closer by the second.


We fell through the sky missing the tornado by like 3 feet. The force of the wind separated Appa from us and he and momo landed somewhere else.

I used water and Aang helped me by using air to create a cloud before we landed. Yeah we did that. We are awesome.

So we're in the middle of a swamp without Appa and Momo, and a bunch of strange plants. I looked at Sokka. "This is screwed."

"Indeed." Sokka replied. He had this dumbfounded look.

"Okay so let's set up camp until Appa and Momo find their way." I started walking looking for a place for us to settle for the night.

Summer Nights (reader x zuko x sokka)Where stories live. Discover now