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I walked over the hill and saw it.

Omashu just wasnt Omashu anymore, it was controlled by the fire nation.

"Holy crap" I said. It was basically a breath because I was speechless. This was one of those moments where you really thought it was gonna be okay but then it wasn't.

"I can't believe it. I know the War has spread far, but Omashu always seemed ... untouchable." Aang said and sat down on the grass.

"Now the only strong hold left is.."

"Ba sing Se." Sokka finished my thought.

An old song came into mind at the name of the city. Iroh used to sing it on music night.

It's a long long way to Ba sing Se but the girls in the city they look so pretty.

Missed that man.

"We have to move on." Katara said putting a hand on Aangs shoulder. She was right. There was no hope for us here.

"No, i'm going to find bumi." Aang said and stood up hitting his stick to the ground all hero-like.

"Aang i love you but Bumi..." I started. We all knew what probably happened and I knew better than anyone how ruthless the fire nation was.

"BUT BUMI WHAT?" He yelled at me. Not gonna lie I teared up a bit. Aang doesn't yell.

"We don't know if he's ... around." Sokka said.

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you earthbending." Katara said.

"This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend." Aang said. Damn, I guess we were going back to Omashu.

We found a secret passage that was just a large pipe. Aang knew where it was and I began to question reality because I didn't thinking plumbing existed 100 years ago. Anyway.

"Why didn't we use this last time?" Sokka asked in confusion. But then he opened it up and we became COVERED in sewage.

"That's a reason." I said trying to get the literal waste off my body. We all climbed in and began dragging through the thick sewage.

When we finally made it into the city we changed clothes. There were a few issues with the fire nation being here. The Earth kingdom was all fine and dandy about letting different cultures in the city. But Omashu is in lockdown and none of us exactly look like we are from here...

So that might be an issue.

"AHHH" Sokka yelled and we all put a hand over his mouth. He pulled a baby pentapus off he arm.

"It's just a baby." Aang said putting it back in the sewer. I saw he had the suction up marks on his face as well. Nice.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING OUT PAST CURFEW!" We all turned to the booming voice.

"Sorry sir," I immediately started. "We were just taking our friend home. He's real sick sir. He got...."

"Pentapox." Katara helped me out. "We're real sorry."

"Pentapox! Isn't that was your cousin died from?" One of the men asked the other.

"Act sick." I whispered through my teeth at Sokka.

He began acting like a zombie and the men ran off.

"Okay so in situations such as this there's usually a form of resistance. A movement working underground. Which might be a literal statement considering where we are." I was just thinking out loud.

Summer Nights (reader x zuko x sokka)Where stories live. Discover now