No Stopping

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A/N- Yes we've made it here

The library shook beneath me and I gulped. The air got stuck in my throat and I felt the tears coming out of my eyes as I choked. I caught my air and looked at everyone in shock.

"What the hell Sokka..." I whispered. He looked scared and a shadow formed above me.

"I'm sinking the library." A large voice boomed. "You lied to me young avatar, all humans want the knowledge in this cavern for is hurting others." It was Wan Shi Tong.

"Why would you..." My thoughts just tell on Sokka. Why would the plan be like this? Innocent people live in the fire nation why would we attacked THEM?

"You don't understand. If anyone's evil, it's the Fire Nation. You saw what they did to your library. They're destructive and dangerous. We need this information." He looked at Wan Shi Tong but I knew he was talking to us both.

"Innocent people..." I muttered.

"You think you're the first person to believe their war was justified? Countless others before you have come here seeking weapons or weaknesses or battle strategies." I couldn't take it.

"How the hell do we get out of here?" I screamed. "GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND REALIZE THAT WE HAVE TO GET OUT."

"You've been kind to me and library mortal but i'm afraid you'll also have to pay for the sins of your friends. You all won't survive." He flew off.

"Dammit you absolute idiot." I yelled at Sokka and then ran out of the room grabbing Aang by the arm. I could care less if Sokka or Katara survived right now.

"Y/N I can try my best to get us up there." Aang said and hit his staff on the ground. I held on to the back and we flew.

We glided out the top of the building. A rope laid at the top and Aang threw it down. Sokka and Katara soon climbed out. I looked at the ground to see Toph holding the library up with all her strength. "Aang go help Toph, i'll get them out." I ushered and grabbed the rope from his hand as he flew to her rescue. 

They were about half way up at this point, I didn't even look at them I just felt the weight shift. If I would've looked either of them in the eye right then I would've dropped the rope, i was sooo pissed.

There was also something missing, big time. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but as soon as the two siblings made it to the top and we hopped off, I realized.


"WHERE IS HE?!" I heard Aang yell.

"I-i don't know..I couldn't stop them. Everything is so fuzzy out here for me." Toph sounded on the verge of tears. "I was trying to save you guys."

"FORGET ABOUT US YOU PROBABLY WANTED HIM GONE, YOU ALWAYS COMPLAINED ABOUT HIM." Aang had never actually been this angry that I could think of. What do I do?

"I really didn't want that i'm sorry." For the first time ever, Toph felt bad.

"Whatever, we have to get him back or Ba Sing Se will never happen." Aang stomped off.

"Shit." I said under my breath. I had to get it together, we had to get out of here. There wasn't any Appa and that meant we had to start walking.

Everything else pushed to the back of my mind.

Sokka, Zuko, Aang, Appa...everything wasnt priority except walking the hell out of this desert. I grabbed Toph and Katara by the arms and I walked where Aang had ran.

I wasn't worried about him leaving us, he'd get hungry eventually and come crawling back like a dog. Sokka walked behind us and after a few hundred feet I let the girls arms go.

"We are making it out of here, I don't do sand." I said to them all. "Is that something we can all understand?" I asked. No verbal response and out of them just a nod.

And so we walked on.

And walked.

And some more walking.

There was no stopping to this desert. They talked behind me but my only focus was making to the end.

Aang had come back at some point by the then glided off again. I didn't acknowledge him. My whole mind was focused on the one thing of getting out of the dessert and to Ba Sing Se. Finding Zuko even.

My mind wasn't even there.

Until I heard my name being screamed.


"WHAT?" I screamed back.

"Okay woah. And you need to sit down and rest with us, we're done for the night." Katara said in a calm voice.

"Us? Really Katara?" I questioned her. "How is it US? When i'm getting PURPOSELY left out of plans. Why am I even here since apparently i'm just so loyal to Ozai? Since y'all think it's cool to ruin the lives of a million innocent people?" I asked.

"They did the same to us!" Katara yelled.

"YEAH WELL YOU ARENT SPECIAL KATARA." I was fed up. Tired. Ready to scream at them all.

"YOU DONT GET-" She stopped herself.

"you bitch, of course i get it. You weren't the only one who lost a mother that day. You weren't the one who was kidnapped and made a slave. You're just upset because I was able to make my life worth it in the fire nation. You think i love them? They killed my mother too. You aren't special, you're just selfish. And you get so pissed off when people cant stand you but maybe Katara YOURE the problem. I'm done. I'm finding my own way. You can all go fuck yourselves." I went off.

I grabbed my bag with all my things and walked straight. I heard them yelling but my mind blanked everything they were saying.

I couldn't just stay clueless. Just the avatars friend. Just the princes hand maiden. Just the princesses failed savior. The orphan from the land of sadness.

I wanted to finish the journey to Ba Sing Se by myself. I'd spend my days there teaching water bending and open up my own library. Get me a nice person to settle down with.

Oh but Sokka...


no more constant battles with myself.

I began running. I ran faster than I ever had. Closed my eyes so the sand didn't get in them.

And I hate admitting it, i smiled.

Until I stubbed my toe.

I'm SO sorry it took forever to get this chapter out to you y'all. I have had it rough but please forgive me.

I love you all<3

Hope your day is filled with Happiness and the last lines from under sea kind of feeling:)


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