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Chapter 7✓:  Tiny Yellow Umbrella

Julie's 💜 Pov

"So how was it?" Christa asks seeing my satisfied expression, "It was about alright" Christa goes to take up the dishes, "I'm glad you liked it-" but my hands are quicker, "Let me do it. You don't need to take so much trouble," Christa shook her head, "Don't be ridiculous, I'll do it. But if you're still uncomfortable, how about this, you wash next time -"

I nod at the agreeable compromise. "..Good-" she ushered off the plates, washing up whilst humming a tune. Removing her apron and gloves, she exhaled, "..Now that, that is out of the way. How about we get to the part of getting to know each other -" she smoothly suggested that's when I caught a whiff of a familiar scent.


That scent.

There was only one person who used that signature scent. I abruptly jumped to my feet and rushed towards the hall, "Jill-" I shouted in excitement there she was in all her glory standing behind my mom and Dustin that heavenly smile stuck on her glossed lips.

I ran to her.

She ran to me.

The distance between us was eliminated, "Oh, Jilly baby. I missed you!-" I exclaimed tears in my eyes as I held her even closer. I finally pulled back, "..I was so worried about you! You aren't hurt, are you-" My eyes were puffy as I examined her she reached forward, gently wiping my tear stained cheeks, "I'm fine, are you okay?-" she asks.

Was I really okay?

Could I call any of this okay?

Should I just flat out lie?

"I'm surviving -"

"I missed you so much! This place has been the worst!-" I answered honestly. My experience here hasn't been rainbows and unicorns. I signaled at her, "We need to talk. Right now - " I quickly grabbed her hand, pulling her behind, remembering something I turned to Christa. Christa nods in understanding, "Go. You girls look like you should catch up on a lot.." she inserts, "We can get to know each other later -"

Venturing up the stairs, I can feel my mom's eyes following me. Practically boring into me. To be honest, she has been eyeing me for quite some time now. I knew she what she wanted, but my eyes were incapable of meeting hers. I knew she was unhappy with this arrangement. How could I not? The unsettling energy radiated through the room in an almost suffocating manner.

But I had to establish boundaries she had broken, no annihilated my trust, so as much as it hurts both parties, this was the only way we can tread here on out. It was straight out misery, but nonetheless, I bluntly ignored the overwhelming feeling and continued up the second floor.

Jillian treaded casually like it wasn't her first time here. I found it strange, but I brushed aside my thoughts I had more pressing matters to attend to. I practically barged inside, shutting the door behind, "..We need to escape this place!-" I exclaimed my frantic movements made with incredible haste. I mean, if I stay here anymore longer, I might just waste away.

I paced nervously, biting my nail, ".. Let's see, I tried the window twice, and it didn't work. Even tried a disguise, didn't work either, but maybe, just maybe if I tried the front door? It just might work -" All the while, Jillian had this perplexed expression while I paced like psych patient, ".. What?!-"

I not so gently grabbed her arms, inflicting a harsh squeeze, "... What I'm about to say might sound crazy but listen to me. Everything is not what it seems. The people here aren't actually people -" If crazy had a look, that was me, especially the way Jillian eyed me after that statement.

Belonging To HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora