Chp 22 √

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Chapter 22 √: Silver wolf

Double povs in this chapter😆

Nigel's Pov

I watched in horror as Ct. Persiphirus, that bastard lifted her up in the air regarding her as dirt beneath his feet. Julie terrified out of her wits frantically clawed at him, trying to free herself from his iron grip. Frozen, I watched as her face flushed red from his tight squeeze. Her eyes dimmed as her breathing at the moment could only be described as labored.

Enraged my body dangerously shook. Fire in my eyes, I lounged forward, shifting in mid-air, ready to attack.
Prospera steps forth chanting a vaguely ancient spell, one I so hauntly remembered. I whimpered at the tremendous pain that befell me, overwhelming my senses. I was boiling hot—my insides were inflamed. My heart seized as if I was experiencing an early set heart attack, blood rushed from my mouth.

My strength was completely deflated. I was weak. I couldn't protect her. Maybe he was right. I am still a failure no matter how many lifetimes I'm unable to save the woman I love.

I watched as she spitefully bit into his flesh, "Bitch!-" he growled overly agitated he retaliated with a tight slap which caused her jaw to go slack, "Hit me with your best shot you old geezer!-" She challenged the fierce hybrid spitting out blood.

Oddly, suddenly, Julie released an ear piercing scream, resulting in jerking eardrum syndrome I winched. It was
truly harness, even the weak of heart couldn't manage. Julie doubled over,
bent forward, her body intensely cracking. She claws the ground as her  manicured nails extend into charcoal black claws. She screams in agony as her teeth painfully extend through her prefusly blooding gum.

Prospera abruptly stopped his attack, I fell on my side, transforming back in my human form. My naked body limb on the floor.

"Look!" Their disgusting eyes dart above their heads as they look out the glass ceiling.

"It's an Eclipse!-" the faye-kind princess gasps pointing her mercury gray eyes stunned as she eyed the sinister intoxicating Eclipse, "There has not been an Eclipse in ten thousand years," the dragons movement became hasty and frantic as they seemed to have gone bunkers, as they howled at the raging red sea above them.

Julie collapsed to her side, exhaustedly  gasping for air cold beads of sweat dripping down her body. "Fuck!-" she growled.

Stood majestically on its paws was a silver furred wolf its smooth fur dazzles
under the intoxicating moonlight. Its abstract, wide-set, demonic, sunset yellow eyes bludged out.

Everyone gawks shoked. "A silver wolf!-" their shocked and confused voices rang  all over the room.

"Impossible!-" Ct. Persiphirus exclaims.

The Council bowed on their hands and knees, "ALL HAIL THE SILVER WOLF!-" Julie furrows her brows, looking down at her paws, totally confused, she growls. Transforming back her naked legs trembled ferociously, "Ni-" she barely mouthed my name in lightning speed. I came up from behind, wrapping it around her, saving her dignity I effortlessly lifted her unconscious body in my arm.

The Council still remained on the ground. The all mighty Council had bent their knees to the woman they just now tried to kill. What a cruel joke.

I scuffed, ignoring their presence. I stopped past them carrying my passed out mate. I stayed by her side the entirety of her being unconscious. I watched endearingly as her forehead wrinkled. Her eyebrows habitually knitted her eyes, then slowly fluttered open.

Julie slowly sits up, holding her head, there was no doubt it throbbed. She turns to me, "Nigel? What happened?-" she is more alert than ever now fully awake. Her voice was hoarse. Her curious eyes scanned her surroundings, then squinted there after. Julie had a look of great confusion as of concern at the foreign space.

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