Chp 23√

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Chapter 23√: Scarlet Witch

Julie's 💜 Pov

To be frank, I haven't left my room in a week. But it was decided that I could no longer hide away. Things had already spiraled out of my control it can't get any worse. Wait, can it? I shouldn't let this destroy me, right?

I scanned the room it was a literally ice chamber in here one shift in my mood, and it would become a furness. I placed gloves over my hands. "Just breathe.." I exhaled in attempts to stay calm, "All you have to do is just step outside, that's it." Confident I pulled open the door, taking a leap of faith.

I was about to bend the corner when I heard a familiar voice quite anxious, "There's something going on. I'm worried about Julie. She says she's fine, but I can tell she's hiding something from me," Nigel openly voiced his concern, "She hasn't left her room for a week for godsake! Doesn't that sound strange to you?!-"

"Of course she's not fine." Christa exclaims, "Like Deacon said, a huge burden has been placed on her shoulders she has a life changing decision to make. First, she was bombarded by the whole mate thing. Now it turns out she's royalty and a silver wolf, the only one in existence at that. I'd want to stay in my room too -"

Christa pats his shoulder, "You just got to be patient, bro. I'm sure she'll come around soon. Just give her some space." Nigel remains unconvinced, "Trust me, I know what I'm talking about."

"Speak of the devil." Christa lowered her voice, moving away from Nigel, "You're actually standing before me." She leaned in close, "Something's definitely different about you, I can tell." Her gaze lowered towards my covered hands, "What's with the gloves?-" she arched her brows, curious she reached out her hand. I swiftly avoided her hand, "It's nothing, really.." I awkwardly hid my hands in my pockets.

Christa wished to press the matter, but Nigel steps in interrupting her interrogation he shoved her aside, "You're alright." Nigel expressed relief, "Why wouldn't I be?-" my lips displayed a sincere smile, "I mean you hadn't left your room in a week so I have to be worried especially when you won't talk to me about it."

"I'm fine, really." I lied, followed by a fake smile.

"You're lying!.."

"I'm fine, Nigel. Would you stop pressing this matter already!-" Our little fight had drawn an audience, "Nigel drop it." I said through gritted teeth he grasped my hand, "You're hiding something." I try to wiggle from his grasp, "What are you doing? Let me go!-"

"Nigel, calm down, man." Deacon urged to no avail.

"Nigel, stop you. You don't know what you're doing." I urged my tone rushed, but Nigel was stubborn as a box of nails."It has something to do with this. Take off these goddamn gloves.."

"Stop!-" He roughly pry the glove from my hand I get a sudden surge through my hand, "I said stop!-" frost shot out of my palm slicing the counter in half audible gasp traveled across the room. I roughly tugged my hand from his grasp, "Christ. You happy now!-" I hurriedly slipped on back the glove. I go to leave the crowd immediately retreated frightened by me.

"Julie, wait!-" Jillian and the others called out to me. This was what I was afraid of, being feared for my abilities. I mean, what did I expect? They have all right to hate me, to fear me. Honestly, I feared myself. What if my powers can't be controlled? Do I become a shut-in? Or do I leave the pack for good?

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