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Chapter 4✓: Kidnapped

Julie's 💜 Pov

When I woke up, I had this pounding headache. I sat up, letting out a groan of pain. When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing but darkness. 'Where the fuck was I ?-' I squinted my eyes trying to make out anything seeing the rusty iron bars I concluded I was in a cell of some sort. "Hello anyone there?-" I shouted holding onto the cell bars shaking the rusty iron.

A few minutes two hulk like men came. "Bitch shout the fuck up!" the one on the left in a black tux said. This brother must be tripping. "Do you see your female dog here jackass?!-" I spat. I soon realized that my vision was getting a little hazy alcohol does that to you sometimes.

"Listen bitch!-" he began I quickly interjected "No you listen jackass where the fuck am I? And who the fuck are you guys?-"

"Leo. I'll call Alpha-" the one beside him said which was also dressed in black. I raised a brow in confusion, Weird. Who the hell calls themselves Alpha? But I played along anyway, "Yes do please call your fucking Alpha or whatever and while you're at it tell him that I wanna fucking go home..." I spat rightfully upset.

'I wanna see this dude so bad to give him piece of my mind how dare he kidnap me out of all people' I thought rolling my eyes.

They took out there phone and called their 'Alpha' or whatever he is. "What the fuck is the problem I was in a very important meeting to close the deal.." he scrawled.

"Alpha the bitch that we caught last night woke up and woke us up with her horrid tongue,"

"Oh did she now?-" he wickedly smirks opening the cell and came into the light. "Well, well, well I must say you are a beauty!-"he exclaims his lusty eyes scanning my figure. "Well if it isn't the leader of the jackass men in black-" I turn to glare to the two jackasses from before who also growled alongside with their leader.

"Finally I think I've waited long enough now. I would like to get the hell out this cell and go on my merry way-" I get up off the cell floor brushing off my costume.

 "Why should I let you go?" he questions stepping dangerously close.

"Because clearly I didn't do anything—" stating the obvious facts I glare at the wickedly handsome stranger in front of me.

 "But you did sweetheart you and your people trespassed on my land-" 'What does he mean by my people isn't this guy human too or he just thinks he's better than everyone else' I thought deeply, 'If it's the second one he's a total narcissist'

 I try to reason not wanting my temper to get the best of me I took a deep breath in then exhaled calming down,"Look here Mister I didn't know it was your land besides there wasn't a sign or a damn fence that said 'No trespassing' you know-"

 "I didn't even want to go to the stupid party my bestfriend insisted, now can I go?" I clasps my hands together. I can't believe my luck not only was I ditched by Jillian and Ryan but I was also kidnapped by jackasses and now they don't wanna let me go geez! I groaned.

 He took long strands towards me with each step he took forward I took a step back. He kept approaching and I kept retreating my actions seized when my back hit the hard, cold, stone wall. He rested his hands on the wall beside my head trapping me between his body and the cold concrete. I raised my right brow as I glared up at the daring man.

He was close enough that his hot breath fanned against my face. Is it weird if I said it sent shivers down my spine—very weird shivers? "You're playing a very dangerous game kitten—" he says leaning in closer. What does he mean by dangerous game? Can he hear my thoughts?

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