Chp 27 √

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Chapter 27 √: Queen Pt.1

Julie's 💜 Pov

The intensely dark-blue cloud-flecked sky was something to behold, "Ehem!-" The royal guards stood all clothed in their blue and white armor, Oculus in black, Nigel had his arm securely wrapped around my naked body as he darkly eyed the five men, "Your Highness it's time we head back to the Palace," Oculus informs, he signals to one of the guards who brought forth a white cloak. Oculus steps forth. Nigel growls.

"Excuse him," I ignored his childish behavior, and I messaged my numb neck. There was not an inch of my body that was left unscathed after his passionate onslaught. I outstretched my arms, standing steady despite the weakness in my legs. I securly wrapped the cloak around my tad cold body, "That feels much better -" I exhaled my breath quite cold.

"We brought one for you too, Alpha," Oculus signals again. Ekko, the cheeky vampire, steps forth holding a black cloak. Nigel shakes his head, rejecting the cloak, "No thanks -"

Ekko exclaims, "You couldn't possibly wish to parade around naked, do you, Alpha Knight?-"

Nigel annoyed gruffs, grabbing the cloak. Oculus gestures, "Your Highness a carriage has been prepared to send you off to the palace," I nod in approval, "Shall we then?-"

"May I-" Ekko, the cheeky vampire, outstretched his cold hand. I was hesitant at first given our not so fond history but eventually accepted his hand. He helped me board the blue and white gold encrusted carriage.

Nigel obediently sat to my right. I sighed momentarily, eyeing the oldish, picturesque, pearly white, massive Victorian castle ahead. "Open the gates!-" the head guard Edwin shouts, the majestic golden gates flew open upon command.

After entering the palace, I had to learn many things. My upcoming months in the palace consisted of etiquette training and government lessons, all in the preparations for my coronation.

"Your Highness are even you listening?!-" Evengeline, my very strict fairy etiquette teacher, swatted my desk, I nodded, "Yes." I lied. "Good.." her lips hooked distastefully, "Then you won't mind telling me which one goes where? Do you?-" The old prone cocked her head, tilting her glasses, "Well, of course, anything to get you out of here. I mean, class over with," I flatly smiled at the thorn in my side.

"This goes here," I am beyond confident in my words. "Wrong!-" she swat my arm with her wand. I hissed at the stinging sensation, "Try again!-"

"Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!-" she continued her, swatting with each swat sprinkling her fairy dust. I grunt, biting down on my bottom lip. I dug my nails into the desk, glaring up at her, completely irritated, "If you swat me one more time," my eyes glowed, and the stern fairy retracts her hand in fear. She took a fearful step back, "You must understand Your Highness. This is all for your sake." She fidgets conscious of me, "Well our lesson is finished for today." I rose to my feet, "But Your Highness! We are not through yet."

"Didn't you hear me?-" I stood bone straight, our gaze on the same level
she gulped, "Ekko, lead her out. Her services are no longer required as of this moment, "What a headache." I pinched the bridge of my nose, "If I can't pass even this simple training. How am I going to get through the rest?-"

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