Chapter 7

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I woke up pretty late the next morning. This was because I stayed up late talking to Nina and then texting with Jeremy.

Jeremy was fun to talk to. He was polite, showed interest in what I had to say and shared his own sides of theories and stories.

Tho, his theories and stories could be a little boring sometimes.

I wasn't complaining. Okay, maybe a little bit. He could really improve his stories but otherwise he was cool.

It was around 3 when I had lunch and took a bath. Nina went down for a nap and I sat down in my room, ready for some series time.

I decided to watch Suits when suddenly a horn from outside of my house startled me. I didn't give much attention to it but again the voice echoed.

Irritated and worried about disturbing Nina I quickly walked down to the main door to look outside.

I opened the door to peak out. I sighed when I saw who it was.


"Idiot, my nina is sleeping." I whisper shouted.

Sebastian made a sheepish face. "Shit, sorry."

It was Sebastian. He was on his motorcycle. He looked handsome with his dark brown hair ruffled because of the wind and his white shirt was unbuttoned at the top, showing off his amazingly tan chest.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I got closer to Sebastian to hear him properly.

His grey eyes scanned me as I stepped closer. I cleared my throat to bring his attention back to me.

His lips twitched slightly because he was amused by my awkwardness.

"I was just going out to ride this baby  after work and I passed by your house." He caressed his motorcycle gently. "So I thought I'll ask you to accompany me. Are you free right now?"

I didn't have anything to do. I was just watching some Netflix. I shrugged. "Yeah."

Sebastian gave me a full blown grin. "Then hop on."

I looked down at my outfit. I was in denim shorts and an oversized red pyjama t shirt and my hair wasn't combed. They were in a messy bun at the top of my head. And most importantly, I had my spectacles on. I didn't put my contacts in today.

As if sensing what I was thinking Sebastian spoke up. "You look cute." I gave him a 'are you seriously lying to my face' look.

"No seriously." He tapped my spectacles. "These make you look extra cute."

I rolled my eyes at his comment. But I felt pleased secretly.

I texted my nina and got on the motorcycle behind him.

"Hold on tight sweetheart, otherwise you might fall." Sebastian's smug voice reached my ears.

He couldn't go two seconds without opening his big mouth.

When I did not move, his hands reached behind him to catch hold of my hands.

"I don't want you falling soo soon Adalynn." His grey eyes locked with my hazel ones. His face fully serious when he said that. I looked away to avoid his gaze but before I did that I saw a tiny smirk creeping up on his face.

Can't the guy go 5 minutes without smirking?

"And yeah wait." Sebastian suddenly took hold of his helmet and pushed it down my head, clipping it gently.

"Now." He patted my head, his lips twitching slightly. "You are ready."

I rolled my eyes. "Can we go now? I feel like a little child whose mother can't stop gushing about their safety and buying them safely pads and shit."

Sebastian's eyes crinkled with amusement. "Ooo the dirty talk. I like it."

"I know bitch. Now movee!"

Like that we were off.


After 15 minutes of riding around Sebastian finally came to a stop on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

There were a lot of cliffs. We were on the highest. I guess it was used for Cliff diving. I could see a bunch of children diving from one.

I groaned getting off the motor cycle. "Why did we stop?" I whined. I was enjoying being on the motorcycle.

Sebastian got off and extended his hand. I eyed his hand warily before staring at him blankly.



I continued staring at him blankly.

"Gas doesn't come free sweetheart. And money buys gas." He gave me a mocking smile.

I still continued staring at him blankly.

He took back his hand and stared back at me.

"I am broke." I finally said.

"So am I." I suppressed a smile at that.

"So the best option is to stare at this beautiful view and have a romantic time." He smirked at the 'romantic time' part.

I expected it.

"Don't get ahead of yourself darling. You might crash and get an ouchie." I rolled my eyes. Laughter broke out of Sebastian's mouth.

"Ouchie?" He started laughing harder. His laughter was genuine and made me wanna laugh. He looked really handsome while laughing. It was a good change from all that smirking.

"God you are cute." Sebastian said as his laughter died down. He was still chuckling slightly.

"Tell me something that I don't know." I raised my eyebrows. He rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but my phone pinged right at that moment.

I silenced it, shifting my attention back to Sebastian. It was rude to interrupt someone in between.

Sebastian again opened his mouth to say something and again my phone pinged loudly.

Annoyed, he reached out towards my phone. "I am blocking this person, how dare they." He muttered as he opened my phone.

I reached for my phone when Sebastian's expression changed completely.

"Oo lala." He wiggled his eyebrows looking at my phone. "Getting naughty pictures already are we?"

"Sebastian! Give me my phone back." I reached out for my phone again.

Sebastian started scrolling through my chats. How dare he!

"These many chats in one day?" He raised his eyebrows  then looked at me. " Do you have a life besides your phone?"


"Sebastian ...!" I started yelling.

He raised one of his eyebrow. "Collins." He helped.

"Yeah whatever. Sebastian Collins. Give me my phone back right now otherwise I am gonna kick your ass to another planet." I threatened.

"Pfft okay..." He gave me my phone back hurriedly.


Do you like Adalynn's personality?

Can you say that you are awkward around people? Because I surely am!

Comment your awkward interactions.

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