Chapter 12

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It was around 7 that I pulled up in front of my house. I was about to get out when my phone rang and I saw that nina was trying to facetime me.

A huge smile came up on my face when I answered the call.

"Hi Nina!"

"Hey Lee." Nina smiled into the screen. "Oh my God, look at you. You look soo beautiful and happy."

"I am." I grinned. I was genuinely happy. And why was that? My life was going on well . My project was coming along great, my career was spiking up, I had the best friends ever and also because of a certain man that was living in my house.

"I am very happy to hear that darling." She smiled knowingly.

"How are you?" I asked her. She frowned. "What would happen to me? I am perfectly fit and fine."

I laughed at her expression. "Very good, nothing less expected from you."

A tiny smile played on her lips. It looked like she knew something which was amusing her. "So Lee." Her smiled broadened. " When am I meeting him again?"

I froze then relaxed in a second. A big smile started forming on my lips.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You are glowing Lee. It's a glow I have seen already on you." I bit my lip. She continued. "It's a glow of genuine complete happiness. And love." She added softly at the end.

I almost cried as nina said that. Because it was true.

I was in love again.

Not again. Because I never fell out of love.

I was in love. Period.

"You'll meet him soon. We are still trying to figure out some things. But yeah, you'll surely meet him soon." I said.

"I am excited." She smiled.

We talked for a little while.

"Come on now Lee, I have to go. Talk to you soon baby." She cut the call then.


"Hey." I smiled at Sebastian in the kitchen as I kept my stuff on the dining table.

"You had a good day." He noticed, smiling. He was cooking dinner for us.

"Nah..I am just happy." I sat on the counter to accompany him.

After talking to nina I was giddy. Too giddy to be honest.

Sebastian was still here and I was working my way to trust him but my feelings were the same from seven years ago. I love him still and I think he does too because he was still here.

"Sebastian." I said and he hummed in reply. "What would you say to taking this dinner out to eat. I know a place."

His grey eyes found mine.

"Are you asking me out on a date sweetheart?" My heart fluttered at the nickname.

"You can say that." I bit my lip. His eyes narrowed to my lips.

"Adalynn..." He warned.

"Yes." I said innocently.

He groaned as he turned back to the food. "You are annoying."

I grinned as I jumped from the counter. "I learnt it from you Collins."

I heard Sebastian chuckle after me.


We packed our food in a picnic basket. I changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a white crop top. I asked Sebastian to change into something comfy too since we were going to have a picnic.

I got into my car as Sebastian kept the basket in the back seat. Then he sat down in the passenger seat.

He looked amused to see me behind the wheel. "Looks like the roles are reversed."

I grinned as I pulled out from the drive way. "Unfortunately." I pouted. " The motorcycle isn't here so had to make adjustments."

I saw him smile widely at that old memory.

"I still have it, you know." He said to me.

"You do?" I exclaimed. The motorcycle was a huge part of the summer seven years back.

He nodded. "Couldn't just sell it away. It had too many memories attached to it." He looked liked he was deep in thought.

I smiled sadly.

Indeed. Too many memories.


We were on the road for almost half an hour.

"Are you taking me to another country?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes." I deadpanned. "Straight to India."

He groaned.

"Patience Collins." The nickname just felt right to use.

After 5 more minutes I pulled up to a lake.

I got out and so did Sebastian. He looked at the lake.

It was a lake just outside the city. It was a popular spot especially during mornings. But at night no one was there except us. There were still some small shops open nearby but there was no crowd around the lake.

I brought out the basket and set it on my trunk. I set the cloth on the trunk and put the basket on top of it. Then I removed the food and two wine glasses and the bottle itself.

"Not exactly the beach but works." I said as I set the picnic up on my trunk.

"It's amazing." Sebastian said, his eyes trained to the lake.

We ate together talking about stuff randomly. Just like that time we used to talk on phone at night that summer.

Conversation flowed easily between us.

"I heard Gabe is still back there handling his family buisness. It was a local sort so he never went anywhere else. Cole told me this." I told Sebastian about the other's that were there in the group.

"And what about your sweet old clingy Jeremy who had a big crush on you?" Sebastian grinned as he sipped on his wine.

"Well, two years ago he professed his dying love for me and proposed but I said no. So he went to the Himalayas after that." I said.

"Ofcourse. I met him there. I was there for the last seven years regretting my mistake. There's a whole Adalynn Cooper fan club up there." Sebastian said and I burst out laughing.

"And you were the first member weren't you?" I teased.

"I wanted to be but your first boyfriend beat me there." He pouted.

I grinned. "But in all seriousness I haven't heard much about Jeremy. The last I heard was that he was going away to study engineering. I don't know where tho." I said and Sebastian nodded in understanding.


Continued in the next chapter.

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