Chapter 20

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Sebastian took hold of my chin and gently tilted my face upwards. He dipped his head and our lips met.

My heartbeat sped up and goosebumps errupted over my skin.

It was a short and soft kiss. He drew back and kissed my forehead next. I leaned into him.

"What happened to Lionel? Did he ever..." I trailed off as I made myself comfortable against his chest.

"Try to contact me? Yes. He makes these dramatic phone calls in front of an audience saying things like we forgive you, come back, you will understand how to do things in time and shit." Anger rushed through me. How pathetic.

"Was it him today as well?" I asked remembering his pale face.

"Yes." He said painfully. "I always pick up his calls because I still miss that old Lionel and I am pathetically still in hope that he would call me genuinely and ask me to come back to him. I still hope that he apologies and my dad would say that he believes me and wants me to come back. How pathetic is that?"

I looked up and cupped his face. His grey eyes were cloudy. "That is not pathetic. Infact it shows that you care. And that is nothing bad. It shows how good a person you are and how kind your heart is." A genuine smile tugged at his lips

"Sweetheart are you complimenting me?" The old Sebastian was back. I rolled my eyes and groaned into his chest.

"I like that version much better."

"You have an access to both of it." I looked up to his grey eyes. He genuinely meant it.  He broke down his walls for me. He trusts me enough.

"I am glad." I smiled.

We stayed that way for a long time. Into each other's arms.


I felt somebody's presence behind me so I turned and I saw Stephanie flat on the ground with a phone in her hand. She was trying to take pictures of us.

Sebastian saw this too and started laughing very hard.

"Stephanie! Oh my God." I hid my face in my hands.

She got up grinning, pretty satisfied by her photography.

"So...guys." she drawled.

"Yes Stephanie." Sebastian said as he pulled me tightly towards him. Steph saw that and her grin widened.

"You two a thing now?" She said, excited.

"Stephanie!" I yelled. She was very embarrassing to be around. Why did I have a friend like her again?

We haven't discussed our thing. But were we a thing? I didn't know and I didn't want him to reject me.

"Do you think we are?" Sebastian kissed my hair to make a show.

Steph almost died right there. Me too tho.

"I very much think so." Steph said almost jumping.

"Then you have your answer." Sebastian smirked and I looked at him then. He winked at me and kissed my cheek.

Were we a thing? We were? He didn't say IT tho? So WERE WE?

"YAYYY OMG!" She gave us both a big hug and skipped away to give us 'alone time'.

"Are we?" I asked as Steph left.

"Are we what?" He asked, amusement lighting up his eyes.

"What you said." I pressed.

"What did I say?" He smirked. His grey eyes were dancing with amusement.

I removed his hand from around me and got up. "Bye."

A laugh came up from his mouth. I started walking away when Sebastian's hand caught mine and he pulled me into the circle of his arms.

"You are cute when you are angry." He laughed and pressed his nose to my temple.

I stayed silent.

He sighed, completely serious now. He drew back and looked me into the eyes. "Only if you want to be." He said softly.

"I would like that." I nodded and bit my lip to supress a smile.

He gently freed my lip from my teeth. "You know how distracting it is." I smiled.

He cupped my face. "I don't know 'things', I am very inexperienced in that department. That's why I want to take it slow. I want to get to know you better and I want to be able to trust you completely. And I am sure you want the same with me." I looked at him with complete seriousness and nodded. "I don't know what we are and what's going to happen but I am very much invested already." I grinned but stopped.

"Can I ask you something?" He hummed.

"Do you like me?" I blurted out.

He froze and looked at me with squinted eyes. "What part of the whole speech did you not get? I agreed to get in a thing with you because of common knowledge."

"Collins, boys are very confusing when it comes to this department."

Sebastian groaned. "This whole department is very confusing. I look towards meeting you everyday and spending time with you. Is that liking?" I glared at him. He couldn't be THIS inexperienced.

"Kidding sweetheart. I like you. Very much. Even more when you get angry at me." He winked.

"Ok." I was bad at replies. I took his hand and decided to go back to everyone.

"Wait." Sebastian said and tugged me back in. He looked worried. "Do you like me?"

"Um duh. That's why I kissed you and let you kiss me. Otherwise you would have been on the floor Collins with your balls in your hands." He grinned at my words.

"I love when you dirty talk to me." I rolled my eyes and we walked to our friends hand in hand.


Hi amazing people!

They are a thing now! Yuhuuu

Do you have a friend like Stephanie? Haha. She's quite a character.

Do you ship Sebastian and Adalynn?

What's their ship name?

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