Chapter 10

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The blonde british boy grinned excitedly as he hugged me back.

"What a surprise!" I pulled away with a big smile on my face. " What are you doing here?"

Marcus was an old friend. I met him in London two years back when I was there for a project. He was also in this industry and we immediately connected.

"I was here for work. I have been here for a week but didn't get the time to see you because it was all so hectic. I am flying out tomorrow so I thought why not meet my old friend before that." I glared at him.

"You have been here for a week and didn't even tell me."

He looked sorry and gave me a sheepish smile in return. "I told you it was very hectic. But I am sorry. Let me make it up to you." He winked.

I knew how busy he was and how hectic a project could get so I let it go and grinned at him.

" Very well. Dinner is on you then." He latched his arm with mine and grinned down at me. "Done."

I was soo excited to see Marcus after soo long that I forgot to text Chloe and Sebastian that I would be late.


The dinner turned out to be longer than I expected. It was accompanied by drinks after.

It was amazing to connect with Marcus after so long that we forgot that there was a thing called too late.

"Thank you Marcus for an amazing evening. I missed you." I hugged Marcus for the last time as we got out of the Uber in front of my house.

"I missed you too Adi." He hugged me back.

"You better tell me the next time you visit. Not like this time when you just met me on the last day." I mock glared at him .

Marcus raised his hands in surrender. "Yes ma'am." Then grinned at me.

"Take care." He said as he got back into the uber.

I waved at him as the uber drove away.

As the uber drove out of my sight I turned towards my house and started to walk in towards my front gate.

My boots made weird sounds on the concrete. It was a little funny. Just a tiny bit.

Whoa, I was definitely a little tipsy.

I got my keys from my purse and looked at the time on my watch.

2:04 a.m.


I unlocked the front door and stumbled inside.

The lights were still on and they blinded me as I walked in.

I closed my eyes then opened it slowly to adjust to the surroundings. Then I noticed him.

Sebastian was still awake and sitting on the couch facing the door. He had his phone in one of his hands and he looked worried.

Cancel that.

Very worried.

He got up from the couch as I walked in. He looked angry too.

"Hi Sebas..." I tried to greet him but he interrupted my greeting.

"Adalynn where were you?" Sebastian walked from the couch towards me. He was definitely angry.

"You didn't even call or text." He showed me  his phone in his hand.

I stayed silent. I felt a little guilty. I should have called or texted him. He was waiting up for me.

"Sorry." I winced. "I forgot."

"You forgot?" Sebastian scoffed. "What exactly made you forget?"

His grey eyes were furious. My heart soared up inside my chest when I realised the reason behind his anger. He was worried. For me.

"I was out with a friend." I said.

"I called Chloe too. She didn't know where you were either. We called you tonnes of times. I was going crazy here Adalynn." He said the last sentence softly.

"My phone was in my purse the whole time. I didn't realise." I was starting to feel soo guilty.

"Who were you with? Even Chloe didn't know." Sebastian asked as he put his phone in his pocket.

"I had a friend in London. Marcus. He surprised me here and took me out for dinner." Sebastian's face wiped off any emotion and went completely blank.

"Oh." He said.

"Sebastian..." I started towards him but because I was a little tipsy I stumbled on my feet.

He noticed that and frowned. He came closer to me.

"You are drunk." He sighed.

"I am not. Just a little tipsy." I justified. Sebastian rolled his eyes as he went into the kitchen.

He returned back with a glass of water.

"Drink this and sit down." I followed and sat down on the couch slowly.

As I drank the water Sebastian removed my boots. I tried to protest but he wouldn't listen. He shut me up with a glare.

"You had me worried sick tonight Adalynn." He mummered under his breath and he removed my boots slowly. "First I couldn't find you and now you return back home drunk with some guy named Marcus." His grey eyes found mine as he helped me stand after he was done.

He had a hold on my arm as he walked me up the stairs. His hold was light but firm. And his face looked stony.

He was worried and jealous.

I suppressed a smile.

He saw me doing that and shook his head with an irritated expression on his face.

He opened my door to my room and walked me in. I sat on my bed while Sebastian searched for some of my night clothes.

He found them and laid them out for me. "Change and go to sleep." He turned around to leave.

"Sebastian." I called after him. He stopped by the door. His back looked tensed.

"You don't need to be worried about Marcus you know." I said softly.

Sebastian closed the door behind him but not before I saw him release a breath of relief.



Another chapter where Adalynn gets drunk and Sebastian takes care of her.

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