Chapter 23

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Sebastian worked on Stephanie's hair while I sat on the bed, waiting for them to finish. I was getting impatient looking at Sebastian work so slowly and patiently.

"Are you done?" I asked for the 50th time.

"Adalynn if you keep up like this I'll throw you in the ocean in the middle of the way." He warned.

"Done." Sebastian said finally after 211 hours.

"Thanks Seb!" Steph exclaimed and hugged him. "I'll go call Cole to pick me up." She closed the door of my room behind me.

"Hi." Sebastian smiled and leaned in to kiss me. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. This man made me feel completely a different type of way.

"Hey Collins." I smiled back.

"Guys!" Steph exclaimed and rushed in my room then stopped.

"Um..sorry for disturbing. And don't make out now, please. We don't have time for your hair Adi."

"My hair is fine." I pushed a hand through it. "We are not wild cats like you."

Steph blushed and combed her hair, "well..."

Sebastian cleared his throat and spoke up. "Steph you were saying."

"Yeah right! Cole is coming to pick us all up. He is the driver for the night. In case you got drunk or decided to, you wouldn't have to worry." Stephanie informed.

Sebastian shrugged. "Alright. I'll leave my motorcycle here." I nodded.


Cole arrived 10 minutes later. We all filed into his car and drove to Hunter's.

The sun had already set an hour or two ago and the party was in full go.

Girls and boys were all around, in the house and on the beach. I felt a little overdressed looking around at the girls only in their bikinis.

Chloe pulled up right next to us at the exact same moment. Gabe and Jeremy were nowhere to be found.

Steph snatched me and Chloe away from the group and pushed us towards the drinks section.

"Shots!" Steph yelled and took one. Chloe looked at her, shrugged and took one too.

"Come on Adalynn. Loosen up." Chloe said and gestured towards the shot.

"Here you go Adi." Steph pushed me the glass.

I took the glass and made a shot. Steph cheered while Chloe shrugged and raised her eyebrow to acknowledge the fact.

Soon we were dancing around like crazy near the speakers. There were many people around, dancing and jumping to the music. We took like two more shots before we all were starting to feel tipsy.

"My girls!" Stephanie yelled and hugged me and Chloe close to her.

"Ew." Chloe shuddered but she was smiling lightly.

"Ladies." We turned to the voice and saw Gabe rushing towards us. "You look like you are enjoying yourselves. Can't say the same about your boyfriends. They are pretty stuck up and standing there looking like your bodyguards." We looked at where Gabe pointed. Sure enough there were Sebastian and Cole watching us.

"More like creeps." Chloe flipped them off.

Gabe grinned and passed us extra shots. "Drinks for the cool ladies." Then turned towards the boys. "Middle fingers for the old men."

We took another shot and sure enough in some time I was drunk. I was giggling at Chloe twerking like a baddie. Steph tried to copy her but failed miserably. She looked like a baby Pigeon trying to fly.

We took like two more shots after Gabe's and all three of us were drunk. 

"I am gonna go kiss my sweetest boyfriend ever." Steph rambled. "Why is he so cute and hot and sexy. My God am I lucky." She rushed towards Cole who caught her laughing.

Me and Chloe laughed too. Two guys made their way towards us. One had black hair the other was bald with like a gazillion piercings.

"Hey ladies." The black haired boy grinned.

Chloe frowned. "No thanks." She caught my hand.

"But we didn't say anything." Said the bald person.

"We know that you know that we know what you wanted to say." I countered back, slightly unstable on my feet.

One hand was held by Chloe and someone grabbed my other one.

I turned to free it but a deep voice spoke up that I knew very well. I relaxed. "Excuse me."

The guys turned towards Sebastian standing tall in his black jeans and dark grey t shirt.

"Who are you?" The bald guy asked. Sebastian caught hold of Chloe too.

"No one that you need to be concerned about. They both are with me so if you want something tell me, otherwise I am gonna leave and take them with me. Thank you." The words were said politely but there was a clear warning underneath.

Without waiting for a reply, Sebastian took hold of both our hands and guided us away from both of the guys.

Sebastian stayed silent but Chloe spoke up. "I can see why Adalynn likes you. Dude! were you tough out there!" She  whooped. Sebastian sighed.

She took us near the cars. He looked at both of us from time to time. I felt like a student that was waiting for a scolding. 

"You both stay here okay. I'll go find Cole and Steph so that we can take you three little drunks home." He spoke evey word clearly and slowly. We nodded.

As soon as Sebastian turned around I giggled loudly and stopped someone carrying a drink.

"Thanks pal." I raised the bottle in my hand at the confused guy.

I was about to take a sip when a hand stopped me. Grey eyes burned against mine.

"No no no. No more alcohol for anyone of you." Sebastian took the bottle away.

"B-but Collins!" I hugged Sebastian. I felt sad parting from that bottle. Sebastian sighed and hugged me back, massaging my neck and back lightly with his hands to calm me.

"Me too." Chloe whispered sadly and joined in the hug.

Sebastian hugged her too.

"You are getting quite some attention there Seb." Gabe smirked as he and Cole carried a passed out Stephanie between them.

"Drunk girls are hard to babysit. They are even more confusing than sober ones." Sebastian confessed as he rubbed both our backs.

Gabe and Cole set Steph inside the car carefully. Then it was Chloe's turn. I stayed clinging to Sebastian.

"Baby." Sebastian combed my hair back from my face. "Sit in. We'll drive up to your home then you can hug me as long as you want."

I pouted, feeling sad. "Pinky promise." I brought out my pinky.

"Yes. Pinky promise my love."


Do you guys like Chloe?

What nickname do your prefer? Baby or sweetheart?

Friends or Brooklyn 99?

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