A sacred ceremony part 1

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Looking at the scenery outside the carriage I couldn't help but let my mind wonder at how beautiful it is, birds picking up food for their young, insects having a battle of supremacy against an insect swarm that resembles a wasp and a rhinoceros beetle fused together, the animals that drink from the pond and the few deer look alike things that get hunted down by the cool looking wolves.

"Ahhh" I happily sigh at how nature works. "Kill or be killed, the law of the jungle" I mutter as I narrow my eyes at the feeble killing intent that cascaded on the carriage.

"If you want me to feel fear, at least have the intent of an eldritch god" I mutter as I release a concentrated inhuman killing intent, smirking a little as I see my level increased by one.

Lilith Rose
True Name-Lilith Morningstar
Race-Great One
Level 4
Hp 1,161
Mana 1,257
Stamina 3,870
Str 348
Vit 387
Dex 397
Agi 400
Magic 419
Def 320
Magic def 390
[Blessed by Azazoth
-High status aliments resistance
-Universal Language
-Increase growth rate by 100 per level]
[Great one
-limit break
-Hp regeneration
-Mp regeneration
-improved Stamina regen
-All elemental resistance]
[Dark Affinity
-lessen mana consumption
-Elemental Usurpation]
[Lightning Affinity
-lessen mana consumption]
[Fire Affinity
-lessen mana consumption]
[Earth Affinity
- lessen mana consumption]
-Storm Manifestation
-Storm Affinity]
Sword talent[Veteran] (Katana)
-serene mind
-hollow point
[Mana manipulation]
[Gravity Magic]
-Madness inducement]
[Sense presence
-sense bloodlust]

After I few minutes I wonder why the carriage isn't moving only to facepalm as I realized that the coacher died since he took the brunt of it...and for the knights that where supposed to guard me 'I guess they did their job by holding them back for at least 0.1 seconds', getting out of the carriage I look a around to see the assassin responsible for making me emit effort.

Shitty quality gear and weapons, plain equipment, nothing noteworthy of their look, smells like shit that's been set on fire, over all desperate people that became my exp.

"Shit!" Cursing out loud when I got carried away and destroyed their minds with my killing intent. "Sheesh, couldn't they at least be good enough to survive it"

After setting aflame their corpse I turn around and do the same for my carriage, deciding that I'm going to the kingdom on foot.

Ah yes sorry about that, I forgot I'm supposed to monologue the three year time skip for the readers, or at least give information about what happened, alright I'll just give you guys a run down, my parents died, my mom was brutally raped and killed in front of me so I did what any person with common sense would do, I lost myself in rage and partially unleashed my eldritch form, turns out since I somewhat unlocked being a Great One means that it signifies my truth, what does that mean? Well it is my true self, no lies or any of that shit, so with my sadism along my rage of what I just experienced....let it be known I have never felt or gotten to experience the same level of pleasure to this day.

Is it something I should say or think?....are you seriously asking me something so simple when I have a few screw loose without me noticing after meeting the crawling chaos.

And so I lived through that shit, somewhat traumatized before I recovered since let's be real here, an eldritch god of insanity being traumatized is a fucking laughing stock, *ahem* anyway with me being the only surviving child(I mean I was a kid without siblings) it was decided that I should inherit my entire family's political power, land, and any other shit that those bastards try to pull on me, and let it be fucking known that you don't try to pull none of that shit against a Great One unless you want to be in the receiving end.

Hmm, damn bastards tried to deprive me of everything that rightfully belongs to me, next thing they notice is that their in debt and have no other options than to lick my foot or be executed for treason.

Getting a little side tracked, so with all this shenanigans going in the background and having assassin being sent to take my life on a daily basis, and considering I manage to thwart them off they came to one conclusion, I'm blessed by another deity which isn't technically wrong except said deity can make every god in existence their bitch through any means necessary, and so with my very good senses as a great one people mistook me for being a genius which in the long run helped me gain more power and cement my position, almost reaching an authority of that of an Arch-Duke.

And with my mature mind I'm currently been summoned by the king himself to oversee the hero summoning, and maybe just maybe try to marry me off with the third prince, and let it be know for the third time that even if im female I'll always without a doubt lust after females, which is why im currently working on getting closer to his beautiful wife and daughter.

Ohh and i had a few of the nobles daughters dancing around my fingers, as for what im about to explain I have to tell you guys on how people inherit their house names, males it's simple, you've seen it across multiple series or books, as for females, although their not liked but nonetheless they can inherit the house if theirs no males to inherit it, even then those ugly or pretty boy bastards won't be able to inherit it if their bastards(maybe, it's a low chance) or third, fourth, and the list goes on, same applies for royalty, if the king is gone/ killed then the current Queen gains the authority of the king, which isn't that much to be honest, and so until the one next in line to inherit the throne is old and competent enough(no one in their right state of minds wants a power hungry, incompetent leader) to inherit the throne.

An: fun fact Lilith political power and influence in percentage terms is 51%, but because the king gets the final say she only has as much of an Arch-Duke in paper only since those old coots know her power is next to the king.

And so with all of this I still haven't covered how much I influence the neighboring nations, now where do we begin, well first of since I had to endure the shitstorm known as politics for a few years, one might say I overworked my self to the bone and somehow got the limit break skill added to my Great One skill, *ahem* anyway, as I was there running my brain on overdrive I got a sudden idea of implementing a few things from the modern era, and what did I get? A very good partnership and allegiance with the wealthiest country who is an economic hub, Hele.

As for the other neighboring nations, the empire who I supplied with revolutionary weapons in the name of being friendly Allies, thanks to that I have some say in their politics but enough of that, what peeked my interest over the years was the religious kingdom, Reh'heil, a place where only those grotesque fanatics go and live in.

See what caught my interest with this specific country and wasn't because the church influence there is equal to that of a tyrant, no what caught my attention was that they use a specific magic called holy, and this here is only available should the goddess Sariel be satisfied with your faith in her.

How do I know! Ha well it might be because I might've kidnapped a few saints and priest here and there and experimented with their unique magic, of course I burned them to ashes after I was done analyzing them, which should've been impossible but hey, when has that ever stop an Eldritch God from finding and abusing a few loop holes in the system.

That aside I figured out how to benchmark myself on power.
Divine Beast rank=500,000+++
SSS=110,000–499,000 stats
SS=11,000–100,000 stats
S=1,100–10,000 stats
A=501–1,000 stats
B=201–500 stats
C=150–200 stats
D=101–150 stats
E=51–100 stats
F=21–50 stats
G=10–20 stats

As you can clearly see, I only rank at B, which considering my age should be astonishing, and if I push it with limit break I should enter the S rank range, add in my partial transformation should clock in at just barely reaching SS rank.

Is it impressive? definitely, is it costly? Hell to the yes it feels as if my body's been breaking itself apart from the inside out, but is it good enough? Nah, if I want to survive and have my fun I'll have to get rid of some gods and goddesses.

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