A diabolical scheme

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Walking through the woods I amuse my self as the Life of the Forrest naturally surrounds me, what Cultivators call Qi, the one thing they need to absorb to become stronger in the process and become immortal, or enter Godhood.

So why am I walking in a Forrest, in a moonlit walk? I dunno I just felt like it.

Maybe it's because I've been in Hell for what feels like eternity that I'm extra sensitive to the Life of the planet. Even though it's familiar I can tell it's rejecting my existence, after all I'm a Demon and a Great One, an Alien or Invader of the Natural Order.

Thus the planet is confused on why I'm beloved by it, but at the same time rejected by it....I blame my sexual escapades with multiple Gods in my second life.

Walking down a bit further I surprisingly find a house filled with Nature and Divinity, granted the Divinity is only at the level of a Local God, something I can easily take care of.

Mhmm, now then, I think the better question is if it will be a woman or a man, a Goddess or a God.

If it's a God? I'll make him submit to me by force before slowly corrupting him of his divinity as I watch in amusement while I take away the last remnants of Godhood and subject him to Demonfication. A cruel fate? Please, I'm a Demon, Despair and Sin fuel me.

But if it's a Goddess? Ah, now that be interesting, how would sex with my first Divine being of this planet be? A curious question that's nagging me.

Before I can even continue I feel something missing in my lower abdomen. Oh right? There's a hole through my stomach.

Turning to where the shooter is, I find a surprisingly lanky man holding a bow with no arrows, now that would mean a death sentence to any regular Archer, but this guy? Nah, I can feel the shift in the Natural Order of the forest as soon as he appeared, confirming that he's the Local God of the Area.

"Now, ain't that quite a rude way to greet a lost stranger in the woods?"

A frown mars his face as he calls upon the Qi/Life of the Forrest for help, normally such things would work, unfortunately I'm here.

As his eye widen in surprise as the forest resist his control, I smile at his predicament while thanking one of my wife's for her blessing.

The Goddess of Life, a primordial entity of Life itself has deem me as her partner, and to the planet? That's all it needs to know that I'm an ally even if I'm an invader.

"You! What did you do you foul demon!" He roars in rage as he rushes at me with his fist coated in Qi.

Typical XianXia mob.

At his attempts I merely smile as I heal the hole in my stomach and order the Life to increase the gravity pressure that it should start affecting the dimensional space of the forest.

Dodging I grab his face and push him to the ground, causing a wide crater to form as the forest starts giving us room to fight. Creating two light spears I pin his hands to the ground as he merely glares at me even more as I look at his house with a wicked smile.

"If you keep looking at me like that, then you're just confirming my questions of what your hiding, oh Local Divine" a mocking tone on the last words.

Walking away I crate multiple light spears to pin him down, not enough to outright kill him but more than enough to keep him down for what I'm about to do.

"Stop! Stop!!! Don't you there enter you bitch!!!" Ah that's music to my ears.


"Oh shut it" using dark magic, I shut him up. There now that's better.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Reincarnated in another world as a great oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें