I mean, as much as I hate to ever admit it, Ace is right. If I don't tell them, then Alex will. What would they do with me after that? They won't have a use for me anymore. They will most likely kill me. But I can't just tell them, it's the only bargaining chip that I have. I could tell them and then they could just go and kill me anyway. I can't win!

Ace sighs at my silence and steps to the side of the room, gesturing to Elijah. Elijah takes a few steps forward, cracking his knuckles. He had his eyes on the ground by my feet, probably too guilty to even look at my face. Big mistake, buddy. While he wasn't looking, I manage to get in a few quick shots at his head. He stumbled back, looking slightly confused.

"C'mon you dirty, little slut. What are you waiting for? I'm not just going to sit here and   let you beat the shit out of me!" I yell at him slowly, raising my fists again. "Isn't she just the cutest?" Ace muses to Elijah. I go to kick him but he catches my foot, suddenly dragging me forward, causing me to loose my balance. He punches me square in the jaw and again in the stomach. Before he could get in another hit, I quickly bring my knee up and get him where it counts. He swears and rolls off me. I quickly jump to my feet and kick him in the ribs, hard. I hear something crack and smirk in satisfaction. 

"Still the cutest?" I scoff towards Ace who stood in amazement. 

I step back as Elijah gets up off the ground, looking like he wanted to run me over in a bus. I aim a few punches but he dodges all of them with ease. He gets a lead easily and foot trips me. I land on the ground with a thump and he immediately straddles my legs, throwing punch after punch. 

Fuck, he is good. I really need to up my game. Okay, Ivy, think. Everyone has a weakness, I just need to find his. I manage to roll him off me, taking his place and punching him in the eye. I quickly get up, kicking him back down when he attempted to grab my leg. 

I spit out the mouthful of blood that has gathered in my mouth and attempt to wipe some of the blood off my knuckles. He gets up and we slowly begin to circle each other. The biggest mistake someone could make in a fight is taking their eye off the opponent, but right now, it was more important to find his weak spot, and if that meant taking a few extra hits than necessary, so be it.

I watch his eyes as he finally takes another shot. I manage to duck it just in time. Nope, his eyes stayed on me the whole time. I watch his upper body to see if he leans a specific way before punching next, but fall disappointed and take a sharp hit to the nose. Jeez, his punches were strong. Next was his footwork. After another two sturdy punches, I was about to lose my mind. What the hell? There was literally nothing giving him away! No signal that he was about to strike, no expression, nothing!

"What are you doing?" Elijah whispers to me, low enough that Ace wouldn't be able to hear it over our breathing. I shake my head. "Nothing," I splutter in response.

Elijah gives me a knowing look and ducks one of my upper cuts. "Where's the gun, Eve?" He mutters. I frown. "Stop calling me Eve, and I'm not sure that I want to tell you just yet," I grumble in response. I might as well just tell them, and maybe even play pet with Ace and Elijah so that they don't kill me right away, but I was enjoying to hurt Elijah any chance I got.

"Wait, so you are going to tell us?" He asks, stopping and staring down at me, confused. I use this to my advantage and kick his leg out from under him, causing him to fall. I straddle his legs and pin his arms to his side, glaring. "Apologize," I breath.

His face only grew more confused. I was surprised that he wasn't trying to fight me. "What?" He asks slowly, peering up at me. 

"Apologize. I want you to apologize for everything you put me through. For when you left me when we were kids, for dogging me in to Ace, for beating the shit out of me that time, for stabbing me, for drugging me on countless occasions, for letting me be tortured for weeks," I pause and take a deep breath. "For making me worry about you for months on end, refusing to believe you were dead. For giving me hope that my best friend was still out there somewhere, for giving me hope that you still cared." My voice slowly got quieter and quieter as I trailed off. 

The pain in his eyes was back, stronger this time. All the emotion disappeared off his face the second Ace appeared beside us. Elijah suddenly flips us over, shoving me hard into the ground. "I'm sorry," he grinds through his teeth, his eyes narrowing down at me. 

I scoff and shake my head. "Fuck off. Say it like you mean it," I suggest with a sick smile. "What if I don't mean it?" He replies coldly. My jaw drops. Could this asshole stoop any lower?

I knee him where it counts once again and struggle off the floor, turning to face Ace. "Are you going to kill me once I tell you?" I ask slowly, ignoring Elijah getting off the floor from behind me. He shakes his head, amusement playing in his eyes. "Of course not, mon amour," Something about the look in his eyes made him seem extremely untrustworthy.

"And if I don't believe you?" 

"What other choice do you have?"

. . .

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