Chapter 10: The Badge and The Burden Part 2

Start from the beginning

Ozpin then turns around from Ruby, still talking to her. "You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Ruby. I advise you take some time to think about how you will uphold it." Ozpin said. Ruby, with a last look of consideration, turns and begins to walk away.

"Well should I go talk to her about this then?" Ruby asked. Ozpin then stops moving and slowly turns his head towards her. "No, I recommend against it. I requested your friend Bruce Kingsman sit down and discuss things with her. If things don't go as smoothly as I imagine they will then you should talk with her, but in the meantime I implore you to take this time to relax, it has been a long day." Ozpin said before walking off. "Alright Bye!" Ruby waved to him before running to her dorm knowing what she had to do.

Meanwhile, after running around aimlessly for a bit Bruce found Weiss standing at a Balcony watching the sunset. "Weiss!" Bruce shouted as he walked towards her. Hearing his voice Weiss' attention was directed towards Bruce who was walking towards her. "Bruce, what are you doing here?" Weiss asked. "We need to talk!" Bruce said, walking up to her and then crossing his arms.

"About what?" Weiss tilted her head. "Isn't it obvious?! The way you treated Ruby in Professor Port's class!" Bruce said. Weiss took a step back, appalled by his attitude, she put a hand on her chest shocked by his anger. "What did I do wrong?!" Weiss asked. "Well you did yell at her and told her being team leader is a mistake." Bruce said. "So it is bad if I am right? Someone just had to say the bluntly obvious fact." Weiss said.

Bruce took a step closer glaring daggers at the girl. "Where was all that talk about trying to be a better person?! Was it all just a lie so I could think so highly of the mighty Weiss Schnee?" Bruce asked in a not pleased manner. "I am, but... come on Bruce! How can you honestly say Ruby is a good team leader!?" Weiss asked.

Weiss then raised her right arm and lifted one finger with each point she had. "She rushes into battle without thinking, she is running this whole thing kinda like a dictator, she doesn't take anything seriously, and everytime I see her she is doing something insignificant and childish!" Weiss said. "Alright, I will admit Ruby hasn't taken the role of leader as important as she could, but Weiss can't you give her a break? She has only been your team leader for one day." Bruce said.

"So what, she just gets to relax and be a child for the first couple of days! I would have taken the role far more seriously than her!" Weiss yelled. Bruce sighed with his hand on his forehead thinking he should try a different approach to telling her about Ruby's role.

Bruce then looked at Weiss trying to have a calmed expression as he could do. "Look Weiss, for as long as I have known Ruby she doesn't seem like someone who makes a lot of friends easily. I could tell you think she should take the role more seriously, but don't you think you should have just tried to tell her more subtly that she should change how she does things? Because what you said to her really hurt her Weiss. She honestly cares about your opinion so much she looked depressed last I saw her." Bruce said.

Weiss slowly turns away from him as her look of anger slowly turns to one of disappointment in herself as she looks away from him with her forming a frown on her face. "And I know you wanted the role as leader, but do you really think this little temper tantrum is going to change anything? You can't just get what you want out of life just by asking for it, like back in Atlas." Bruce said.

Weiss looks back at him angered by what he said as she starts glaring at him. "That is not true at all!" Weiss shouted. Bruce gives her a 'really?' look on his face, Weiss then reluctantly relents under his gaze at her. "Well not entirely true." Weiss said. "Besides, you know what makes a leader? Compassion, heart, humility, confidence, all stuff that Ruby has with you only having one of those because you are so full of yourself you don't care about other people more than yourself it seems like most of the time." Bruce said.

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