So Jimin again, obeyed.

The lights were off again.

Jimin couldn't see what he was supposed to drink.

Taehyung sighed, flipping the switch to provide some light.

Jimin looked over, seeing a pretty brown liquid sat warm in his cup.

He looked back at Taehyung who already leaned back at the counter to begin drinking his tea.

"Drink it Jimin." He waved at the cup for Jimin to sip from it.

Jimin did, with hesitant hands, pick up to cup to quickly sip at the tea.

It tasted...

Like tea. Sweeter this time.

Jimin drank again.

He set the cup down, smiling.

"Sorry." Jimin really was sorry. He usually could not stand the idea of declining whatever he was offered.

Especially if it was free.

Jimin pulled at the extra tea bag Taehyung had still provided for him.

He turned the cup around after feeling a tag at the end of the string.

He flipped the tag, reading it.

"Drink me?" Jimin furrowed his brows.

He looked back up at Taehyung.

Who smiled. Horrifyingly.

"Mhm." He drank from his cup again, finishing.

"Drink again." Taehyung would not stop smiling.

"What is in it Taehyung."

"Hmm? Oh, I don't know. Just... Tea." He nodded.

Taehyung folded his hands, eyeing Jimin closely.

Jimin drank again.

Until he finished.

He wiped the corner of his lips, shyly tucking his hands away.

"I'm done." He looked away from Taehyung.

"Did you enjoy it?" Taehyung walked over to gather Jimin's cup, placing it into the sink.

Jimin nodded.

"Good. It will help you."

"Help me with what?" Jimin felt stupid.

Why ask? He wasn't going to get an answer.

"To help you remember. And your cold. You should tell me whenever you feel ill Jimin. I will be more than happy to help." Taehyung smiled again.

"Please stop... Doing that-" Jimin could not find the normalcy within the smiling.

It taunted him.

"Hmm? What?" Taehyung did stop smiling, looking hurt.

"You never smile Taehyung. It is unlike you. No matter what personality you behold in any point in time." Jimin circled his finger at the lining of the marble, shrugging.

"Oh. Sorry." Taehyung looked down.

Now Jimin felt bad.

"N-No, I'm sorry." Jimin tapped anxiously at his thighs. He was increasingly nerved.

"Don't apologize. Jimin." Taehyung did not sound accepting.

But Jimin could tell that he was scared. And whatever he had been saying...

He did not mean to say.

"Jimin, you need to heave out whatever I have given you." Taehyung was terrified, seemingly coming to a realization.

And it startled Jimin whenever he spoke so suddenly.

Taehyung fell to his knees, clutching at his heart.

Jimin stepped away, puzzled by the display of Taehyung's gasping.

"I did not mean to." Taehyung cried.

He cried.

And maybe Jimin should have listened to him sooner.

Because Jimin's head began hurt, and a sudden sound of ticking would not stop.

He turned around, stumbling to the bathroom.

His stomach hurt and his throat burned.

He shut and locked the door, hurling over the toilet to vomit.

He exhaled, falling over.

The ticking did not stop.

He went to flush the mess hesitantly whenever he managed to look down to see what he had projected.

He touched at his lips, pulling his hand away.

He looked back into the toilet, and over to the oddly misplaced card sat at the floor beside it.

He had thrown up blood.

And the blood that he had spread onto his finger,

Fell onto a card.

The King of Hearts.

𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙖~ 𝘽𝙏𝙎 𝙃𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now