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3 years later

Chris Jr screamed my name when I walked into the flat.

"Chris!" I drop my purse to the floor, crouching down on my knees with my arms opened as an invite for the two year old boy, who throws himself into my chest. Little, stubby hands grab my face, pinching my cheeks as he laughs.

"You funny," the toddler refers to my face that he smushes together. I sneak a kiss on his cheek and he squeals at my affection.

"I missed you too," I joke, squeezing him in an embrace, his small feet lifting off the floor as I rock us back and forth. He giggles, legs kicking in the air. I place him back down when a door opens.

"Mummy!" Little Chris Jr calls to Jal, slipping out of my arms and running over to his mum. He wraps his arms around her leg, pulling her with all the strength he could muster. "Fey here!" He tries to pull Jal over to me.

"I see bubs," Jal calls her son, stroking a hand through his thick brown curls. I stand myself back up, grabbing my purse. I set it on the table as I walk past, over to Jal.

"Hey Frey," she smiles, pulling me into a hug when I approach. Chris Jr stands between us, bonking his head on his mum's leg. She tells him to stop before he hurts himself.

"The others coming?" I ask as I pull away, shrugging off my thick winter jacket. It was December 23rd, two days before Christmas, and this would be our second year of having an early holiday celebration together.

"They're on there ways," she tells me, holding out her hand to take my jacket which I hand to her with a thankful smile. "Michelle went to pick up some eggnog from the shop, but she should be back-"

As if on cue, the front door opens, and in walks the curly haired brunette with a bottle of egg nog in her hand.

"I was wondering when you'd get here!" Michelle cheerily calls to me, sweeping snow flakes off her shoulder.

"I should have left with you yesterday like you suggested," I admit. "The roads iced overnight so it was a terrible drive."

"That's why you should always listen to me," she teases with a smile, placing the eggnog in Jal's fridge.

I sit on the couch that Jal has decorated with Christmas themed throw-pillows for the occasion. I set one over my lap to get it out of the way, my nose sniffing the air.

"It smells delicious, Jal," I praise the food she's been preparing. Jal went all out on Christmas, especially since it was her sons favorite holiday. Chris Jr loved food, and especially loved the gifts he would receive on Christmas. Evident from how he was currently sat under the decorated tree, shaking a wrapped present in his hands.

"Open!" He hollers at me, like he was asking for permission.

"Ask your mommy," I tell the little boy, and he does, yelling at Jal next.

Michelle plops down on the couch beside me, two cold beers in her hands. She hands one to me and we clank them together before we take our sips.

"You need any help in there, Jal?" Michelle offers, even though we both knew she would decline.

"I've got it!" Jal calls back just like we had assumed. "It's almost finished anyway."

Michelle and I sip our beers, watching the television that plays "Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer." It must have been on for Chris Jr, but since he's preoccupied with the presents under the tree, he has no interest in it. Michelle and I don't change the channel though.

"Oi! You've really outdone yourself, Jal!" A voice calls as the front door opens. It's Anwar, holding two bottles of hard liquor in his hands. Two more people hurry through the door behind him, Maxxie and James. James' sweeps snow from the top of Maxxie's hair.

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