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The next day, Cassie overdosed on pills. Jal called me, as she was with already with Cassie, and I rushed to the hospital to be with them.

When I arrived to Cassie's room, she was hooked up to monitors, her head resting softly on the pillow. She was still breathing, and somehow in her coma-like state, she still looked as lovely as ever.

"God," I manage to mutter. Jal was beside the hospital bed, holding her hand, and she smiled at me sadly.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask Jal.

"Yes," Jal answers me. "She will be."

I walk over to the other side of Cassie, and push her soft hair out of her face. I place a gentle kiss on her forehead. I find a chair and pull it over to the bed. I want to grab her hand, but she had tubes and needles sticking out of it.

"Why'd she do it?" I ask Jal. I thought Cassie was okay, besides her eating disorder of course. And if she wasn't okay, I thought she'd come talk to me about her problems. That's what best friends are for, anyway.

Jal's about to say something until the hospital door swings open, and Sid, looking distraught, stairs at Cassie with wide eyes.

"Is she alright?" He asks.

"Yes, Sid," I tell him.

"What have they done to her?"

"They pumped her stomach," Jal answers.

"What?!-" Sid begins, but Jal cuts him off.

"Why have you chose to start caring about her now? Because it's a bit fucking late for that! You're the last person she needs right now."

"What? Why is this my fault?" Sid asks.

"All you had to do was go on that fucking date, Sid!" Jal exclaims. The doctor comes in and cuts their argument short.

"You need to be relatives," he tells us. "Are you all family?"

"Yes," Jal says quickly. "I'm her cousin, and that one's her sister."

I give a small wave when he looks at me.

"Right," the doctor says. "Is this your brother?"

He's asking me, I realize, and I shake my head no. Sid looks at me in disbelief.

The doctor doesn't have to escort Sid out, as he leaves himself.

Doc begins examining Cassie, and Jal and I sit there in silence.

"I'm such a shit friend," I mutter to my self.

"No you're not, Frey," Jal argues.

"I'm supposed to be her best mate," I say. "And I had absolutely no idea she felt like this."

The doctor leaves the room, leaving us alone again.

"You cant blame yourself for other peoples actions," she tells me something I had heard a hundred times before. "And I know you're a good friend, because Cas talks about you 24/7."

I sniffle.

"Still, I should've checked on her more. I should've known she wasn't okay."

"Even if you would've asked her, she wouldn't have told you," Jal tells me.

I glance up at her. "How do you know?"

"Because she told me she doesn't want to be a burden to you," she says with a sigh. "Listen Frey, Cassie told me that some shit went down at your last scollege. She didn't tell me what, but she told me it was bad."

I can feel my heart start beating faster.

"Don't worry. I won't ever ask you about it unless you want me to, and I would never ever tell anyone else about it. I promise you that."

Thump... thump...thump. It beats back to a normal pace.

"But she told me that you had you're own problems you were dealing with, and that she didn't want to trouble you with hers."

"But that's what being someones friend is," I say softly. "Making sure that they don't face their problems alone."

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