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I woke up the next morning, half naked, lying on top of Maxie, with my foot in a pot of oatmeal. It was a wild night.

Cassie and I were invited back over to Michelles, and since Cassie begged me to come, I reluctantly agreed. It was mostly the same group from the night before, plus a girl named Jal who was Michelle's best friend, despite being the complete opposite of her. We all sat around, drinking and smoking and listening to music, while I managed to get to know some of the other's pretty good. Like Maxie, who was completely and utterly gorgeous, but just so happened to be gay.

I looked around, and the living room was covered in food. Around two in the morning, Anwar had "accidentally" spilt his beer on Chris, causing Chris to pick up a handful of chips and hurl them right at Anwar. This caused a food fight between the two, and the rest of us, all drunk and high, decided to join in. I still don't know how I had ended up on top of Maxie though. 

I sit up and scan my room for my dress. I find the little stripped fabric on the floor near Chris, who sleeps butt naked on the couch with the words, "I like boys," scribbled on his back in red lipstick with an arrow pointing down to his ass. I crawl off of Maxie and stand to my feet, cringing as oatmeal squishes between my toes.  I then see Cassie, lying at the opposite end of the couch under a blanket, her hand in the same bowl of oatmeal. Her eyes start to flutter open.

"Oh... wow," she mutters to herself, looking at her oatmeal covered hand before wiping it on the blanket. I do the same with my foot.

I go over and grab my dress, stepping into it and pulling it up my body. Chris mumbles something in his sleep and roles over. My eyes go wide at the sight of his cock.

"Whoa... Chris," Cassie says, now standing beside me. She's staring at his dick too.

"It's not true, is it?" Someone says from behind us. I turn to see Jal, having just woken up, but looking at Chris's cock too.

"What?" I ask her.

"They're all the same size at action stations," she smiles.

"No," I say.

"Poor Chris," says Cassie. She then proceeds to cover his lower half with the blanket, and his erected cock makes a tent. Cassie molds the blanket around his cock so it looks bigger.

"Wow," she says when she's done. "Thats better. Cool."

Together we head to the kitchen. My mouth's dry so I look through the fridge before pulling out a bottle of water. I screw the cap off and begin chugging it while Cassie stairs at the calendar on the fridges door.

"Frey?" She asks. "What date is it?"

I think for a minute before responding. "The thirteenth I think. Why?"

She shrugs. "I think Chelle's mum gets home today."

"Sami Allahu liman hamidah," I hear from outside. I glance out the back window, seeing Anwar outside, bowing down on a blanket and saying a prayer. "Rabbana lakal hamd."

"Are you sure it's the thirteenth?" Cassie asks me.

"Not really," I tell her honestly.

She walks out the back door and goes up to Anwar, interrupting his preyer. "Anwar, what date is it?"

He's still bowing on the grown. "The thirteenth."

"I think Michelle's parent are back today," Cassie tells him.

"Bummer," he says.

"Do you think I should remind her?"

Anwar turns and smiles softly at her. "I'm trying to pray to my god here, Cass."

"Is he listening?" I find myself asking.

Anwar stops for a moment to think. "I hope not," he then begins chuckling. "Otherwise he knows about all those pills I necked last night."

"Sing quietly," Cassie tells him, and he goes back to praying.

"Allahu Akbar."

Cassie and I head upstairs to go tell Michelle about her parents coming home. In her room, her and Tony are sleeping together in the bed, half naked and covered in food. Sid sleeps on the floor at the foot of the bed.

"Chelle," Cassie says, nudging Michelle on the arm.

Michelle groans. "Fuck off, Tone."

"It's me. Cass."

"Crazy bitch," Michelle mutters, still half asleep. 

Cassie frowns. "Yes."

"Never fucking eats," Michelle mumbles back.

"Yes... but, Michelle-"

"Fucking bitch" I mutter in response to Michelles name. I don't know if it was just my imagination, but I think I see Tony smirk in his sleep at what I had said.

"You're mum gets home today, yeah?" Cassie finishes.

"Tomorrow," Michelle groans.

"But todays the thirteenth."

"Mmm," Michelles wines before snuggling into Tony. "Tomorrow."

"It's fine Cass, come on," I tell her. "You've got your last appointment today, don't you?"

She nods happily. "Yeah. They'll sign me off if I've gained a half kilo."

We go to leave the room, but Cassie stops near Sid. He has a post it note sticking to his forehead that says Virgin. Cassie removes it and replaces it with a kiss mark.

We're about to leave but then I remember I don't have my shoes. I look around for them but cant seem to spot them.

"You go ahead Cass," I tell her as she waits for me by the front door. "Don't want you to be late for your clinic appointment."

She bids me farewell before leaving. I continue looking for my shoes, and after a few minutes, I find one of them in a bowl of cereal and the other in the kitchen cabinet. Just as I'm about to leave, the front door opens, and an older woman looks at the mess that had been made and she screams bloody murder.


Michelles comes running down the stairs, trying to explain to the older woman and calm her down.

"Mum, I didn't know you were coming home to-"

Michelles mum see's me standing there and see's Tony and Sid coming down the stairs. Her vision seems to turn red. 


She then proceeds to come running at me, swinging her handbag. I drop everything and turn to run as Tony leaps over the stairs railing, landing beside me and yelling at me to go. The others had just woken up, still half asleep, but they seem to know whats going on.

"Fuck!" Chris curses when he see's Tony, Sid, and I running into the living room, being followed by Michelles mum. Still naked, he wraps himself up in a blanket and runs infront of us to the backdoor. Jal and Maxie were hopping out the living room window.

"Go, go, go!" Sid cries out behind us. Michelles mum knocks him in the back of the head with her handbag as she yells in anger.

"Help," Chris calls, waddling out the back door as he runs towards the street. Tony's laughing infront of me, following after Chris, while Sid follows close behind me.

"I forgot my t-shirt," Sid says shirtless, and breathless.

I groan, still running full speed down the sidewalk.

"I forgot my shoes."

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