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I sat with Jal on the green outside of college, watching the boys run around around and trip each other, when Michelle stormed in from out of nowhere and punched Tony square in the jaw.

Everyone who saw audibly gasped as Tony fell hard to the ground. Jal and I shared a look of shock before we both jumped up, making our way over to the group. Chris picked the boy back up as Michelle yelled in his face, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You dirty fucker! I never wanna see your tiny, tatty cock ever again!"

Tony wiped the blood off his lip quickly and tried to put on a smile.

"What's up nips?"

Michelle responded by kicking him between the legs, and he fell to his knees.

"Hey, hey, come on Chelle," Jal says, grabbing her by the arm and trying desperately to pull her away. But Michelle wasn't done, yanking her arm out of Jal's gasp.

"I was waiting for you to tell me!" She cries out in anguish. "Time's up, you wanker!"

She walks away on her own, and Jal follows quickly behind her, after flipping  Tony the middle finger.

I stay, watching as the other guys help Tony back to his feet.

"I must say, she is a fiery one," says Kenneth, trying to lighten the mood. It obviously doesn't work.

"What the fuck was that all about?" Sid asks the questions the others mustve been wondering. Besides Maxxie of course, whose face had gone white.

"Tone," he says. "Shouldn't you, you know, go after her?"

He shrugs, an arrogant smirk on his face. "She'll come back."

I shake my head at him before letting out an audible sound of disgust.

I go after Michelle and Jal, who've stopped in the middle of the green to talk.

"I tried to tell you about him, Chelle," Jal says. "But you never wanna hear it."

"Who else has he fucked for Christ's sakes?" Michelle exclaims.

Jal lists off a long line of people.

"Jenny, Maggs, Kelly, White Justine, Black Justine, buck teeth from geography, posh kid from choir-"

"Abigail?" Michelle asks. "Abigail Stock? He promised he hadn't. Why didn't you tell me? You're supposed to be my friend!"

"Chelle, I tried!" Jal cries back. "I just didn't wanna... It's just Tony, right?"

"Did you do him?" Michelle asks, glaring at the girl.

"What?" Jal asks, seeming deeply offended that Michelle would accuse her of such a thing. "Don't be so stupid, Michelle."

Until this, my presence had gone completely unknown by the two girls, but now Michelle scowls at me.

"What about you, Freya? Did you screw him?"

"Of course not," I'm quick to say back.

"I bet you wanted to fuck him, though," she sneers back. "I bet you both did."

Jal shakes her head sadly before turning and walking away, and when Michelle glares at me, I know that's my cue to leave to. As I'm walking back, Maxxie and I cross paths, and his eyes are on Michelle. I grab him by his bicep before he can get any farther.

"Leave her be, Max," I tell him. "She doesn't seem to want to talk right now."

He doesn't listen though, softly shaking my hand off before walking into the belly of the beast.

I head inside and head to my locker to exchange my books for my next class. As I rummage through the mess, looking for a psychology paper I had misplaced, Tony comes up from behind me.

He leans against the locker next to mine, his cheeky smirk still on his face despite his busted lip, courtesy of Michelle.

"What do you want, Tony?" I ask him with an aggravated huff, clearly not in the mood.

"I want to know what you're doing tonight."

I laugh, but it lacks humor.

"You're joking, right?"

He just looks at me with a blank stare. Clearly not joking.

"You're girlfriend, who is also my friend, just broke up with you. So why would I want to hangout with you?"

"So you're fine with kissing me when I had a girlfriend, but now that I don't, you want nothing to do with me?"

"Me and you kissing was an accident," I tell him through clenched teeth, trying to keep my voice low. "And you know that."

I slam my locker door shut after locating my psychology paper.

"And besides," I say, shoving the paper into my bag and zipping it shut. "I know where your mouth has been."

Im about to leave when he draws me back in with a dangerous choice of words.

"Well I don't think Michelle would be very happy to find out where your mouth has been, Freya."

I turn, glaring at him with a look that could kill.

"Are you fucking serious?" I say in disbelief. "You're blackmailing me to hangout with you?"

The corner of his mouth rises into a smirk.

"You wouldn't tell her... not really."

He walks closer to me, so close that my nose almost touches his chest and I practically have to break my neck to look up to him.

"Do you really want to take that chance?" He asks me.

I push him back.

"I hate you, Tony Stonem... but I guess...pick me up at 8."

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