Chapter 25 "Paul"

Start from the beginning

"Yeah" He didn't get my point. I was obviously making a reference to him having sex with Vicky. "But it was fun" He chuckled.

"Oh, no doubt about that. You certainly had a wild night huh?" I kept doing it.

"Hell yeah. I don't remember anything after I grabbed that bottle of vodka" He laughed.

"You don't remember what happened when you started drinking vodka? Or after we all went to sleep?"

Okay, so I don't doubt he doesn't remember anything from last night; it has happened before. It's John. I know better than anyone how his drunken nights are. But still, it was wrong, and Vicky didn't taste any alcohol.

"Uhh no, I don't quite remember anything. I just remember Vicky wanting to go to sleep"

I suppose that was enough.

"But, you do remember why we're here right? I mean, the purpose of this getaway is to..." I expected him to finish the rest if he was brave enough.

"To... what?" He asked.

"I was hoping you'd finish the last bit"

"Oh. Okay..." He looked at me confused.

"So, the reason we are here is to...?" I gestured at him to continue.

"To bring Paul so he can be with his girlfriend" He cleared his throat.

"Aha" I nodded.

"Aren't we working on it?"

"No!" I spat. "You ruined it!"

"What...?" He furrowed his eyebrows

"You had sex with Victoria last night, and don't lie to me because I saw you" I said as I got up from the chair, and rested my fists on the table as I spoke very close to him. He looked up at me even more confused.

"I DID?!" His reaction was excited rather than surprised. "Oh wow" He chuckled. "Really?" He kept smiling like an idiot.

"John, it's nothing to be proud of" I rolled my eyes once I sat back on my chair.

"Well what do you want me to say? I don't remember a thing; I was drunk, George. I obviously wasn't aware of my actions" He got serious. "If I did it, she didn't stop me"

He was right. John wasn't being himself, but Vicky was.

"Then wh-"

I was cut off by Vicky speaking to us behind me; we both turned to look at her quickly.

"Good morning, my loves" She smiled widely; she also started giggling.

"Hi, Vicky. Did you have a good sleep?" John winked at her, and she giggled more.

I just looked down feeling upset.

"Yes, I had a wonderful night" She sighed as she kept smiling.

"Morning everyone" Ringo walked into the kitchen. It looked as if he had forgotten about our conversation, but suddenly remembered it when he saw John and Vicky smiling at each other.

"Good morning, Ringo" She smiled at him too. She was in a ridiculously good mood, and I could see why.

"Uhh. Vicky..." I began. "Last night I"

"GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY!" Another voice yelled as it came from behind Vicky. The man hugged her from behind excitedly, and rested his head on her neck making her squirm in pleasure.

"Surpriseeee" Vicky laughed as the man still had his arms wrapped around her.


"You came here past midnight?" I asked him

Paul nodded as he smiled.

Ringo and I sighed in relief. John was disappointed, but laughed quietly at himself too.

"Oh that explains it" Ringo let out a nervous laugh.

"Were you two having fun last night in the bedroom?" I asked.

"Uhhh why you ask?" She blushed looking down.

"I kind of saw you and Paul in bed" I shut my eyes as I gritted my teeth.

She almost went pale, and then hid her face with her hands.

"Oh my god!" She screamed into her hands muffling the noise.

Paul laughed. "Baby, it's okay" He kept laughing quietly as he got her hands off her face.

"So how did you know we were here?" John asked him.

"I stopped by your flat, and I read about it on your journal" He winked.

"You read my journal?! Paul! What a disrespectful friend" He glared at him.

"John?" I called him.


"Shut up" I looked at him as a way of telling him he shouldn't be complaining about it since he also spied on her, flirted with her, and was happy when he thought he fucked her.

"So I drove here very eager to see my love" He hugged Vicky tighter as he put a hand on her belly "And thank you for doing this, lads. It's very sweet that you planned all of this. Vicky already told me you were trapped here because the car was not working, but don't worry about it; mine is".

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you, your child could have been born here, who knows?" Ringo chuckled.

"Do they know...?" Paul turned to Vicky. She nodded as she giggled.

"Oh well" He shrugged. "We're having a baby" Paul said rubbing her belly.

Yes, it was all a misunderstanding.

"I have a question, do any of you two know what happened with me? I can't remember anything" John asked while still drinking more and more water.

"You were passed out there in the living room floor" Paul said.

We all laughed except for John.

"Oh" He blushed looking away.

At least John didn't touch her, and that is okay with me. Paul is her boyfriend, and he is the one. I have no right on being jealous of Paul and her. I was relieved we wouldn't have to be alone with her anymore.

"So...after this plan, what is the next plan?" Paul asked a little worried. "Vicky's parents will take her away from me as soon as we come back" He said still not taking her arms off her.

"Hello? Paul... seriously? That is all you can think of? We kidnapped your girlfriend so she could be with you. Ringo, George and I are going to be in prison too, and do I have to remind you you're involved again?"

Fuck... I had forgotten about that. We were so busy thinking of other stupid things, that we forgot that we're in serious trouble. We ruined our careers...

I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now