Chapter 17 "Adoption?"

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Paul's P.O.V.

As stupid as it might sound -and ignoring the logic- I must say it took me by surprise. Of course it's possible...Vicky is having my baby...? I'm still in shock because it never crossed my mind before...Paul McCartney as a father? I suppose that is why it feels so strange to be excited about it...but isn't Vicky too young to be a mum? I mean, could her tiny little body handle a pregnancy? God...this feels weird; this feeling is something I never experienced before. Jasmine and I always made sure to avoid conceiving, but with Vicky I didn't even bother to... as if deep inside I knew she was the one to be the mother of my children one day. I'm not lying; I really hope she's pregnant.

"...are you sure, dear?" I turned to look at her with surprise. "How? When? Why do you think so?" I held both of her hands in mine excitedly. Everything that has to do with her, I love it to death. "Is it growing already?" I joked putting my hand down on her belly.

"Paulie" She laughed quietly. "Of course it's not growing; well, I'm not sure. I feel different, you know? I don't know how to explain, but as a young woman, I feel something is happening with me. I feel it, Paulie. I have no idea how I'm supposed to know if I'm pregnant or not, mum always told me that when she was pregnant with me, she felt it in a way she couldn't describe, and now I feel it too" She smiled.

"My'd make me even happier if you had my child" I kissed the back of her hand.

"Really, Paulie? You're not mad at me?"

"God no! Why would you think that? Hell no! Vicky, I love you. I could never be mad at you for that. Besides, why would anybody do such thing? It's beautiful"

"Do you really think so?" Her face brightened up.

"Of course, dear!"

"Thank you, Paulie..." A tiny tear ran down her cheek.

"Aw, but why 'ya crying, love?"

"It's just...all of this is very emotional. Don't you think so?" She giggled quietly.

"It is" I smiled. "I still need to take you to see a doctor to check you though. Soon..."


"And I don't care if somebody sees us; our possible baby needs special care, and so do you"

"Oh well" She sighed. "How 'bout we have some snack now?"

"Are you hungry?" I giggled.

"Yes" She smirked

"Let's get up, then. I brought lots of food, and a little surprise for you" I winked.

"Really? Let me see!" She jumped out of the bathtub quickly, and rushed to the living room willing to go outside. "Where is it?" She asked excitedly.

"Wait there, love" I chuckled. "You're still naked!"

"Oh" She blushed as she looked down.

"Let's get dressed first! And then I'll show you" I said before I burst out laughing.

After that, I showed her the stuff I had bought for her, and we cooked dinner together.


Victoria's P.O.V.

Paulie is such as sweetheart. I confessed him what I've been feeling lately, and his reaction made me feel very relieved. It makes me realize once again that I'm with the right person.

The next day was "The day of the truth" We were going to a clinic. Of course I was afraid to go back to the city, but I believe an emergency like this one is worth risking anything. We packed our stuff the night before. We also had to leave baby Paul in charge in one of the neighbors. Back in the city, Paul wore his "Costume" again just in case. After the clinic's appointment for my blood test, we stayed in Paul's house; I know, I know, but Paul and I agreed that it'd be less likely that someone could go there every day after all these months to check if Paul and me were still staying in that house. We wanted to stay one night there only because the next morning we would receive that call; the call that would confirm us if we were expecting or not.

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