Chapter 9 "Following you"

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Paul's P.O.V.

"I don't mind you having any prostitutes in your free time, but Paul, that was just a little girl! Damian's little sister!" Brian said as we walked into the suite.

Where do I start? My head still couldn't process that I've been seeing an underage girl. For me, it doesn't change the way I feel about her. I still think she's very special, but I felt bad I stole her virginity for nothing. I was just looking for a one night stand with a regular groupie from the start, but I had no idea she was only 15. I must have been blind because...her innocence was speaking for it. She was energetic, and full of youth. I felt very, very, very guilty. I should've never crossed in her life... Now I can't help but think of her as a toddler ever since I discovered her age. As stupid as it may sound.

On the other hand, now I understand why she never told me she didn't want her brother to find out. She was having a good time with me, and she knew her brother would not approve it. She knew I wouldn't want to be with her if I knew she was underage; she planned it all very well. Again, she is very smart. I was going to miss her a lot...

"Err, what's going on..." John laid in bed. He had just woken up from his nap as we walked in.

"Problems with the girl again?" George sat on a small sofa in the corner playing his guitar.

"He hasn't missed any important events. What happened?" Ringo raised an eyebrow.

"Paul happens to be the worst role model for the group. Who knew? I thought John was the worst and most problematic Beatle" Said Brian.

"What?" John woke up fully.


"Brian, I swear. I didn't know she was underage" I tried to explain.

"What?! The hooker? The hooker was underage? AN UNDERAGE HOOKER? Where have you been, Paul?" George exclaimed.

"She is not a hooker!"

"A hooker would have been better, McCartney! Aren't you going to tell your bandmates who she was?" Brian teased me to make me learn a little bit of a lesson by making me feel ashamed of myself.

"Victoria..." I looked down shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Victoria. Hmmm. Sounds familiar" Said George.

"Victoria...? That photographer's sister?" Asked John.

"Yes..." I said.

"Good job!" He got up to high-five me. "'Cause, Victoria? Hot!" He chuckled.

"Yeah, and underage! And stay out of this, Lennon" Brian said.

"Can't we talk about this another day?" I snorted.

"No. I want this to be the last time you hook up with 15-year-old girls!" He crossed his arms.

"Wait! What? Victoria is 15? 15?! Victoria was the naked girl you had in here when I walked in the other day?" John regretted saying that no later than two seconds after he said it. "Oops. Fuck..." He tucked himself back with the covers in his bed.

"Paul!" Brian could easily faint from all of the stress.

"Eppy, listen, it'll be okay. Victoria can fix this with her brother. We'll be back to the UK soon, and we'll pretend nothing happened"

"Hmmm. I don't know. Damian was very upset; he didn't like to know you were doing his sister all this time"

"For fuck's sake, Paul" Said George.

"Ringo? I need your help here" I called him.

He rolled his eyes, and stood in the middle of Brian and me. Ringo always rescue us in our arguments with Brian.

I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now