Chapter 1 "Following a dream"

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February, 1964

Victoria's P.O.V.

Stupid record labels! They don't acknowledge pure talent like mine. I live to prove that women can rule the rock & roll world as well. Well, maybe older women can. My name is Victoria Taylor, I'm 15 years old, and I'm a musician. Well...not really. I'm a high school dropout. My parents almost killed me when they found out I wanted to drop out of school to become a musician, but they encouraged me in the end. My mum said to my dad "She will eventually realize by herself that education is very important" Bah. No way. I don't need high school. Music is literally my life. I've always known what I want to do for a living. I play guitar, and sing. I write my own lyrics too. It's in my blood; my grandad was a musician too. When I was little, he used to play the piano for me before he passed away. I dream of becoming big! I want to be like Wanda Jackson; she's my female role model. Of course I have other inspirations like many of the bands I listen to. I love The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Kinks, The Yardbirds, and The Beatles. I own many records at home. My guitar and my vinyl player are my best friends. I've never had a boyfriend, or dated anyone. I never liked boys at my school because they weren't kind of my type. If I were to date someone, I'd rather have him share the same goals like me, or at least like music as much as I do. People say I'm the most motivational person in the world. I think it's because I'm young. My mum said she used to behave a lot like me when she was my age, so that's why. I agree that I'm a happy person. The crazy girl who doesn't care about anything. Well, I just live life! As simple as that.

I live with my parents; thought I plan to move out when I turn 18. I have an older brother, Damian. He's 22 years old. He doesn't live with us; he moved to New York last year to pursue his dream too. He's a very talented photographer. He is here for a brief vacation. He said he hasn't had any luck finding someone to hire him as a photographer although he does have a temporary job there in a restaurant. He shares the rent with two other roomies. New York is very expensive.

Anyway. He is here! I had missed him very much. I want to follow his steps as well. I want to leave England someday, and conquer America. I can already imagine people screaming my name.

"I missed you too, Vicky!" My brother said as he put me down, and kissed my cheek.

"Tell me about New York! How's life there? It's been a year already oh my god!" I exclaimed.

"Alright, alright. Help me get my stuff first, miss gossip! Come on. They're on the cab" He said as he leaded us outside the house.

"What's all this noise about?!" My mother came outside to realize her son was back. I suppose he didn't mention when exactly he was coming because my mother was very surprised. "Damian!?" A smile spread on her face as she ran to him, and hugged him a lot.

I shook my head. "DAAAAD! DAMIAN IS HERE!" I shouted at the door.

"Damian?!" He came out of his room. "Son, you're here..." He got all emotional. "How long are you staying?" He asked as he gave him a big hug too.

"Just one week. I work next Monday" He rolled his eyes. He hated his job.

"We're so glad to see you!" My dad exclaimed as he hugged him again.

"Yes! We really thought we had to wait until the holydays came" My mum said.

"Well, at least my boss is a very good person; he gave me a week off to visit my family because he knows it's hard to struggle with a new life away from home"

"That's true" I said.

"Very nice of him" My dad said.

"Damian, by coincidence, I cooked your favorite!"

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