Chapter 29 "Three no-way"

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Paul's P.O.V.

I'm not sure how, but no one seemed to notice John's girl was flirting with me; not even Vicky! For a moment I really thought it was just in my head, but then I confirmed with her following action that it wasn't just my imagination. We were playing poker sitting on the floor. She was sitting next to me.

"Too bad it ain't strip poker huh, Paulie? You got me losing!" She giggled, and then she rubbed my thigh

Vicky laughed. Uuuh didn't she notice?

"I know, right John?" I looked at John. I wanted to make sure he was with this girl.

"Totally" He said without taking his eyes off his cards.

"I think I'm going to win this one" Ringo said as he shuffled the deck. "Anyone want to make this interesting? We bet?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No way. You still owe me like a thousand quid since last time. Forget about it" George shook his head.

"Okaaay" Ringo rolled his eyes.

"It's getting boring, bring more of those drinks" John told his girl.

She stopped her flirting for a while, so the fun began.

We were having such a good time. We missed days like these. I don't remember having a couple of drinks with the boys in a long time since I met Vicky, but since we're free to be together now, then I get to do it with her company. It's amazing. George put on the record player, and so we started to dance a little. Especially Vicky.

"Darling, take a break" I said as I helped her sit down. She had been dancing a lot nonstop. "My baby must be dizzy already" I laughed.

"Yes, I guess so" She giggled.

The record stopped playing, but before George rushed to put on another one, we heard Sophie and John arguing in the other room. None of us had noticed they weren't dancing with us for a while.

"Hang on" Ringo stopped George so he wouldn't put on the next vinyl.

"What? They're arguing, so what?" George shrugged.

"Yeah, but when does he do that...? Ever...? He doesn't waste time arguing with girls. He just dumps them, and gets himself another one the next day" He replied.

"Hey, that is so true. Hmmm" George said.

"I don't care!" John yelled very angry.

"WELL I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" Sophie yelled back.

"Oh wow" Vicky gasped. "Something happened..." She said very hesitantly. "Hmmm. Boys, you know John better than anyone, what has been happening with him lately? We can't ignore this thing, do we all agree? Something is wrong" She said very concerned.

"Vicky is right" Ringo said.

"YOU DON'T DO THIS TO ME, YOU DON'T DO THIS ME!" John screamed louder.

"FUCK YOU!" She yelled back again, stormed out of the room, and then left the house very quicky.

We stood there like statues not knowing what to do.

"Uhhh... I think we should leave" Ringo said.

"No, you don't need to" John said very serious standing at the bedroom's door as he looked down.

"Everything okay, mate?" I asked him as I got closer to him.

"Yeah" He faked a smile.

"You sure?" George asked him.

I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul McCartneyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ