Chapter 26: A timely arrival

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Raisa: *Sigh* Let's see where are your weapons?

MSBS: The guard ceased them, as well as our motorbike

Raisa: Had to gues--... Motorbike?

MSBS: Motorbike

PR-15: A Ural M72 motorcycle painted with green olive and modified with the original sidecar to be exact

Sveta: Ey that thing is cool! I saw some photos!

Raisa quickly darted a stare at Sveta who quickly shut up and whistled out of the situation, Raisa sighed and looked back at them.

Sveta: At least now we got a vehicle... Hm, you will get your belongings afterward in the armory, let's get you three to your dorm and organize some documents yes?

MSBS: Sounds good, chodźmy (let's go)


R4: Two pistols... An assault rifle... a motorcycle helmet modified with... LEDs? Okay then...

Said R4 noting down everything she ceased from the newer dolls, making sure they aren't bringing anything strange or dangerous inside the base that could cause problems.

R4: No chips or electronic devices so that's good

She muttered signing one of the boxes in the report she needs to fill every time someone decides to stay in the base for a period of time or well forever.

R4: Clothes and documents... That's pretty much everything they brought with the two cases... Apart from the guns, everything seems in order...

R1: *Bzzz* R4 you copy?

R4 quickly looked up from the table to the other smaller table behind her, her comms device bursting into her sister's voice, she quickly picked up the transmission and answered, leaving the inspecting for later.

R4: *Bzzz* Loud and clear, something wrong up there?

R1: Movement ahead in the forest, undefined figures moving 10 km/hour through the bushes southwards

R4: Friendlys? Spies from Kryuger? Enemies?

R1: Unarmed for the looks of it, I can distinguish red and other colors so they are not wearing any sort of uniform that could distinguish them from military or civilian

R4: If they stop too near give them a warning shot

R1: Copied...

R1 then closed comms and went back to aiming her sniper rifle, keeping her sights on top of the moving targets, magnifying her scope she adjusted it to 800 meters, a bit closer than the 600 meters of before.

Although the branches, trees, bushes, and vegetation made it hard for her to see them she tracked the figures via their modifications on the surroundings, such as leaving a bush slightly squashed, grass taking the form of their steps, and the birds that displayed alert as the figures passed by. Then the movement suddenly stopped, magnifying her scope yet again she got a much more zoomed view of where they stopped, they seemed to be a group of 3 dolls, strangely she couldn't distinguish any G&K badges or insignia that could notify her if they were friendlies.

R1: Hm...

Readjusting her scope to 700 meters she aimed her rifle by the boot of one of the dolls, their faces and upper bodies were being covered up by the branch of a tree, however, the same wasn't applied to their lower part of their body, their legs being exposed as well as their feet. Waiting for about 2 minutes and not seeing movement she decided to take action, lowering her rifle slightly she aimed for the closest point by their feet, a safe yet close distance to make sure they noticed the shot but as well that it doesn't harm them, inhaling and holding her breath she slowly started to pull the trigger back, and in a matter of a second, bam, a loud, heavy bang and flash exited her rifle as well as the bullet, the recoil was soft but it still pulled R1 slightly back as it hit her shoulder. Through the scope, she saw how the shot landed where she wanted, near the feet of one of the intruders, who quickly scrambled away as they saw what happened and heard the distant bang from the watchtower. Reloading she pulled the carrying bolt up and back, the empty casing springing from the chamber and pushing up a new round, which was after quickly loaded by ramming the bolt carrier forward and down, sealing the chamber yet again for another shot, the characteristic sound of the Kar98 system swelling her ears as she followed the now running intruders with her scope.

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